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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 17: Pope's campaign in Virginia. (search)
the time of the evacuation of Manassas. General Kearney had ordered the gallant Hidden to move foe in parallel roads to Greenwich, followed by Kearney's division of Heintzelman's corps, with ordersame time from Greenwich to the Junction, and Kearney was directed to make his way to Bristow Statiis force he pushed on according to orders. Kearney drove Jackson's rear-guard out of Centreville Centreville with the divisions of Hooker and Kearney toward Gainesville, to be followed by Reno, wdvanced to attack at five o'clock in the Philip Kearney. morning, August 29. and at seven a furiothe sanguinary struggle until near noon, when Kearney's t division arrived on the field by the Sudlt the cost of Thirty per cent. Of its force. Kearney, meanwhile, had struck Jackson's left at the Reno's force in confusion. Seeing this, General Kearney advanced with his division and renewed the battle of Chantilly, among them were Generals Kearney and Stevens, and Major Tilden, of the Thi[9 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 18: Lee's invasion of Maryland, and his retreat toward Richmond. (search)
nside submitted his plan of attack the next morning, which was for the whole force on the south bank of the Rappahannock to advance, and, by sudden assaults along the whole line, attempt to penetrate and carry the fortified heights occupied by the Confederates. Wall at the foot of Marye's height. The Right and Left Grand Divisions, under Sumner and Franklin, were to perform the perilous work; and, to give Franklin sufficient strength, two divisions from Hooker's command (his own and Kearney's) were sent to reenforce him, making his whole number about fifty-five thousand men, or one-half of the effective force of the army. It was expected that Franklin would make the main attack at dawn, and that upon its results would depend the movements of Sumner; but he did not receive his promised instructions until after sunrise, and then they were so open to misinterpretations that he was puzzled to know precisely how to, act. They seemed, however, to demand that he should keep his wh
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 1: operations in Virginia.--battle of Chancellorsville.--siege of Suffolk. (search)
oduced the badge designation into his army with excellent effect. The idea originated with General Kearney at the battle of Fair Oaks. See page 411, vol. II. The occasion was as follows: It was imhat used by enlisted men. Officers and men were thus dressed alike. To distinguish them apart, Kearney issued an order that the field and staff officers of his division should wear a red patch on thng the different colored disks, were triangular in shape. Additional honors were paid to General Kearney. It was agreed that all commissioned officers who had been, in action under him should wear a Kearney decoration, which should consist of a golden Maltese cross, suspended by a red silk ribbon on the left breast of the dress coat. After the battle of Chancellorsville, General Birney causcers and privates of his division as especially distinguished themselves in that engagement. Kearney decoration. All were actuated by feelings of confidence and devotion to the cause, he said, and
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 3., Chapter 3: political affairs.--Riots in New York.--Morgan's raid North of the Ohio. (search)
(Sickles's) Corps, then guarding Ashby's Gap, to hasten forward to the support of Buford, who was calling for re-enforcements. This was done with so much rapidity, that the corps reached Piedmont before dark. Birney's division, temporarily under the command of General Hobart Ward, was sent immediately forward to Buford's aid, followed by the remainder of the corps, and on the following day July 24, 1863. there was a warm engagement at Wapping's Heights, where the Third and Fourth Maine--Kearney's veterans — and the Excelsior (New York) Brigade, led by General Spinola, gained renown by successful charges under the direction of General Prince, which drove the Confederates. The latter consisted of one of Ewell's brigades, which had been holding the Gap while a portion of Lee's army was passing by; and when, the next morning, the National troops pressed on to Front Royal, Lee's columns had all passed, and there was no foe to assail. Meade was disappointed. His detention at the Gap
185. Judge, Thomas J., commissioner to Washington from Alabama, 1.286. K. Kanawha Valley, operations of Gen. Cox in; 1.537; operations of Rosecrans against Floyd in, 2.101. Kane, George P., an instrument of Conspirators in Baltimore, 1.281; machinations of, 1.551. Kansas, Gen. Hunter's operations in, 2.184. Kautz, Gen., his raid against railways south and southwest of Richmond, 3.323. Kautz and Wilson, operations of against railways south of Petersburg, 3.338. Kearney, Gen., Philip, at the battle of Williamsburg, 2.380; death of at the battle of Chantilly, 2.461. Kearsarge and Alabama, history of the conflict between, 3.435. Kelley, Col. B. F., commands the First Virginia Regiment, 1.493; his march against insurgents at Philippi, 1.495; operations of in Western Virginia, II 102. Kelly's Ford, cavalry battle near, 3.22. Kenesaw Mountain, operations of Sherman at, 3.380. Kenly, John R., provost-marshal in Baltimore, 1.552. Kennedy, John A., inte
to turn the Federal right. Crossing Bull Run at Sudley Ford, Jackson advanced along a country road till he reached the Little River Turnpike, on which the troops bivouacked for the night. On September 1st he was met near Chantilly by Reno and Kearney, who had been sent by Pope to intercept him. A fierce encounter followed in a drenching rainstorm. The brilliant bayonet charge by Birney, in command of the division of General Philip Kearney, who had just fallen, drove back the Confederates, aGeneral Philip Kearney, who had just fallen, drove back the Confederates, and Birney held the field that night. The next morning orders came from General Halleck for the broken and demoralized army of Pope to fall back within the defenses of Washington. Large quantities of Federal stores were left to fall into the hands of Lee, which were of great use in his advance into Maryland. the Union army made a desperate onslaught on the Confederate left under Jackson. Here for some time the slaughter of men was fearful. It was nearing sunset. Jackson saw that his lines
5, 528-531, 533, 534, 540, 541, 543, 550, 551, 553, 559, 561-564, 567, 568, 570, 574, 577, 578-580, 586, 589, 592, 594, 596, 598, 600, 603-605; II, 136, 140-143, 145-148, 150-158, 163, 309, 554. Jones, D. R., I, 147, 294, 302, 304. Jones, John M., I, 50. Jones, J. R., I, 290. Jones, P. H., I, 617. Jones, Samuel, I, 96. Jones, W. S., II, 12, 23. Jonesboro, Battle of, II, 27-40. Jordan, Miss, II, 377. Joseph, Chief, If, 475, 567. Judah, Henry M., I, 511, 513. Kearney, Phil., I, 221,234-236, 242, 244, 251, 262-264, 268, 269. Keitly, Mr., II, 537. Kellogg, Sanford C., I, 354-355. Kemper, James L., I, 435. Kenesaw, Battle of, I, 571-588. Kent, Prentiss J., I, 238. Ketchum, A. P., II, 240, 241. Ketchum, Edgar, II, 421, 422. Keyes, Erasmus D., I, 172, 211,216, 220, 227, 229-231, 235, 236. Kiddoo, J. B., II, 291. Kilburn, Charles L., I, 80, 88. Kilpatrick, Judson, I, 445; II, 28, 29, 31-34, 36, 37, 40, 51, 71, 72, 75, 7, 78, 86, 8
We had been assigned to Gen. Franklin's division, which was then lying about four miles northwest of Alexandria, on the borders of Fairfax County, the division headquarters being at Fairfax Seminary, the New Jersey brigade then commanded by Gen. Kearney, and the First New York Cavalry, lying upon the slope of Seminary Hill, south of the Leesburg pike, a brigade commanded by Gen. Newton located along the pike north of the seminary, and a brigade commanded by Gen. Slocum lying northeast of Newtantry. First Brigade.—Gen. H. W. Slocum, 16th New York, 27th New York, 5th Maine, 96th Pennsylvania. Second Brigade.—Gen. Jno. Newton, 18th New York, 31st New York, 32d New York, 95th Pennsylvania (Gosline Zouaves). Third Brigade.—Gen. Philip Kearney, 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th New Jersey Volunteers. Artillery. Platt's Battery D, 2d United States, 6 Napoleon Guns. Porter's A, Massachusetts, 4 10-pd. Parrott Guns; 2 12-pd. Howitzer Guns. Hexamer's A, New Jersey, 4 1–pd. Parrot
ent to the commander of the left wing, Gen. Heintzelman, is said to have been delayed so that it was five o'clock before Kearney's division arrived, and after dark before the arrival of Gen. Hooker from White Oak Swamp. During these days, while tr's approach, he at once formed a line facing Fair Oaks and prepared to hold it. It was now five P. M.; brave, impetuous Kearney now arrived before Seven Pines, deployed a brigade to the left so as to have a flank fire upon the Confederate lines, wh division now appeared upon the scene, but night brought cessation from further strife on this day. During the night, Kearney's, Couch's, and a portion of Casey's division were massed in the rifle-pits on the left, at Seven Pines, Hooker bivouack as at dark; all his artillery that could be moved was brought up, and Richardson was placed on his left to connect with Kearney. French's brigade was placed along the railroad. Howard's brigade formed a second line, and the Irish brigade, a thir
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Carlyle's laugh and other surprises, IX: George Bancroft (search)
ns of the school in the memoirs of Dr. Cogswell, and in a paper by the late T. G. Appleton, one of the pupils. It is also described by Duke Bernard of Saxe-Weimar in his Travels. The material of the school was certainly fortunate. Many men afterwards noted in various ways had their early training there: J. L. Motley, H. W. Bellows, R. T. S. Lowell, F. Schroeder, Ellery Channing, G. E. Ellis, Theodore Sedgwick, George C. Shattuck, S. G. Ward, R. G. Shaw, N. B. Shurtleff, George Gibbs, Philip Kearney, R. G. Harper. At a dinner given to Dr. Cogswell in 1864, the most profuse expressions of grateful reminiscence were showered upon Mr. Bancroft, though he was then in Europe. The prime object of the school, as stated by Mr. Ticknor, was to teach more thoroughly than has ever been taught among us. How far this was accomplished can only be surmised; what is certain is that the boys enjoyed themselves. They were admirably healthy, not having a case of illness for sixteen months, and the
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