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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 1 1 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 1 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 1 1 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memoir of the First Maryland regiment. (search)
with his old division and Taylor's Louisianians, had been pressing the retreating enemy down the Valley turnpike. General Ewell ordered Colonel Johnson to deploy as skirmishers on the left of the road, and of the Twenty-First North Carolina, Colonel Kirkland, to watch his left and keep it from being turned, and look out for Jackson on the Valley road. After getting into position and pushing forward a little, the rising sun slowly dissipated the heavy fog which had, till then, masked our movemenur right about four hundred yards and about a hundred ahead. Down we all went together, making for the line of stone fences, when from one rose a line of blue and steel, and poured a volley into the Twenty-first that shivered it to pieces. Colonel Kirkland went down, badly wounded; the Lieutenant-Colonel was killed, and seventy or eighty men and officers killed and wounded. In the smoke and firing we penetrated the Yankee line, the Colonel intending to attack them in flank and rear while they
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Notes on Ewell's division in the campaign of 1862. (search)
lonel Bradley T. Johnson. Seventh Brigade.--Fifteenth Alabama regiment, Colonel Jas. Cantey; Sixteenth Mississippi regiment, Colonel Carnot Posey; Twenty-first Georgia regiment, Colonel J. F. Mercer; Twenty-first North Carolina regiment, Colonel W. W. Kirkland. Eighth Brigade.--Sixth Louisiana regiment, Colonel J. G. Seymour; Seventh Louisiana regiment, Colonel H. T. Hays; Eighth Louisiana regiment, Colonel H. B. Kelly; Ninth Louisiana regiment, Colonel Randolph. Baltimore Light Artillery, Ca of General Edward Johnson's command, which General Jackson had brought with him from the Alleghanies. The same day the Forty-fourth, Fifty-second, and Fifty-eighth Virginia regiments were assigned to General Elzey's brigade at Winchester. Colonel Kirkland, Twenty-first North Carolina, was seriously, and Lieutenant-Colonel Pepper mortally wounded, and Major Fulton took command of the regiment at Middleburg the day previous, or here (I am not sure which) Major Arthur McArthur, of the Sixth Loui
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.), Organization of army of Northern Virginia. (search)
H. Lamar. Smith's brigade Commander: Brigadier-General William Smith---13th Virginia regiment, Colonel J. E. B. Terrill; 31st Virginia regiment, Colonel John S. Hoffman; 49th Virginia regiment, Colonel Gibson; 52d Virginia regiment, Colonel Skinner; 58th Virginia regiment, Colonel F. H. Board. Hoke's brigade Commander: Colonel J. E. Avery commanding (General R. F. Hoke being absent; wounded)---6th North Carolina regiment, Colonel J. E. Avery; 21st North Carolina regiment, Colonel W. W. Kirkland; 54th North Carolina regiment, Colonel J. C. T. McDowell; 57th North Carolina regiment, Colonel A. C. Godwin; 1st North Carolina battalion, Major R. H. Wharton. Rodes' division---Major-General R. E. Rodes. Daniel's brigade Commander: Brigadier-General Junius Daniel---32d North Carolina regiment, Colonel E. C. Brabble; 43d North Carolina regiment, Colonel Thomas S. Keenan; 45th North Carolina regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel H. Boyd; 53d North Carolina regiment, Colonel
ion of the Troops furnishes many of these facts, the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh soon followed. The first six were sent to Virginia, the Seventh to Hatteras. These regiments were under the following colonels: Solomon Williams, W. D. Pender, Junius Daniel, R. M. McKinney, Stephen Lee and W. F. Martin. However, many of them were soon reorganized. Between the 15th of June and the 18th of July, the Eighth, Colonel Radcliffe; the Tenth, Colonel Iverson; the Eleventh, Colonel Kirkland; the Twelfth, Colonel Pettigrew; the Thirteenth, Colonel Hoke; the Fourteenth, Colonel Clarke, were organized. It will be noticed that no Ninth regiment is included in these fourteen. There was some controversy about the officers of this regiment, and this number was subsequently given to Spruill's cavalry legion. These were the regiments that afterward had their numbers changed by ten: i. e., instead of retaining their numbers from one to fourteen, as organized, they were changed to
attles and Leaders. were approaching each other. Battle is always horrible, but this was most horrible in that these two armies were sprung from the same stock, spoke the same tongue, rejoiced in the same traditions, gloried in the same history, and differed only in the construction of the Constitution. In this great battle, so signally victorious for the Confederate arms, North Carolina had fewer troops engaged than it had in any other important battle of the armies in Virginia. Col. W. W. Kirkland's Eleventh (afterward Twenty-first) regiment, with two companies— Captain Conolly's and Captain Wharton's—attached, and the Fifth, Lieut.-Col. J. P. Jones in command during the sickness of Colonel McRae, were present, but so situated that they took no decided part in the engagement The Sixth regiment was hotly engaged, however, and lost its gallant colonel, Charles F. Fisher. This regiment had, by a dangerous ride on the Manassas railroad, been hurried forward to take part in the
rs, whose enthusiasm had been somewhat chilled by the reverses in North Carolina and in the Mississippi valley. Only to Kirkland's Twenty-first North Carolina regiment and Wharton's battalion of sharpshooters was accorded the honor of representing Nr regiment until the severest part of the fighting was over. The other regiments of the brigade followed closely behind Kirkland, who moved toward the town in double-time. Just as he reached the suburbs of the town, a Federal line rose from behind regiment, however, seeing the situation of its comrades, dashed hastily into the flank of the Federals, and, assisted by Kirkland's men, drove them through the town. In the midst of a wild ovation that the citizens of Winchester gave Jackson's soldchester and Martinsburg, where the industrious artillerymen finally rested. In the furious fire at the stone wall Colonel Kirkland was wounded, Lieutenant-Colonel Pepper wounded so seriously that he died in a few days, and Captains Hedgcock and Li
Lieutenant-Colonel Avery was wounded, the command devolving upon Maj. R. F. Webb, who ably sustained his part. Meanwhile, on Porter's right stubborn work was doing. There Porter had placed Sykes' regulars, the flower of his corps, and they were commanded by a persistent fighter. D. H. Hill, on the extreme Confederate left, and General Jackson, between him and A. P. Hill, moved their divisions against these lines. In Jackson's division, the only Carolinians were the Twenty-first, Colonel Kirkland, and Wharton's sharpshooters. Of their part in the battle General Trimble says: The charge of the Sixteenth Mississippi and Twenty-first North Carolina (with sharpshooters attached), sustained from the first movement without a falter, could not be surpassed for intrepid bravery anc high resolve. Anderson's and Garland's brigades of D. H. Hill's division were made up entirely of North Carolinians, Anderson having the Second, Fourth, Fourteenth and Thirtieth; Garland, the Fifth, Twelf
th Carolina brigade was formed on the right of the road; Kirkland's brigade, also North Carolinians, was formed to Cooke's left, and Walker's brigade was directed to move to Kirkland's left; but Cooke and Kirkland, having formed, were ordered forwKirkland, having formed, were ordered forward before Walker could reach his post. Davis was held in reserve. A Federal force was soon discovered in Kirkland's frontKirkland's front, but one of Poague's batteries caused it to retire, and General Heth was ordered to cross Broad run to follow up Poague's s to a railroad that concealed them from sight. Cooke and Kirkland advanced, and no opportunity offered Walker to form on lit, and on the left, the Forty-eighth, Colonel Walkup. General Kirkland's North Carolinians were on Cooke's left in this orde his regiments, lost 204 out of 426 taken into action. Kirkland's brigade was not called upon to endure so heavy a loss a artillery, and reluctantly gave up their advantage. General Kirkland was wounded, Colonel Martin was several times wounded
lina troops. There were four North Carolina brigades and one regiment, the Fifty-fifth, Colonel Belo, in Hill's corps: Kirkland's—the Eleventh, Colonel Martin; Twenty-sixth, Lieutenant-Colonel Jones; Forty-fourth, Colonel Singeltary; Forty-seventh,onel Stowe; Twenty-second, Colonel Galloway; Thirty-fourth, Colonel Lowrance; Thirty-eighth, Colonel Ashford. Cooke and Kirkland were in Heth's division, Scales and Lane in Wilcox's division. When Heth's division, the head of A. P. Hill's corps, ht of the road, and two, the Twenty-seventh and Forty-eighth, on the left of the road. During a part of the engagement, Kirkland's men supported Cooke. Later it passed to the front line and was heavily engaged. Both of these brigades did steady, in his account of this affair, says: Heth's division behaved very handsomely, all of the brigades, Cooke's, Davis', Kirkland's and Walker's, being engaged in the attack. Preface to Valley Campaign. During this retreat of the Federals, the woods
army thus posted, so far as may be made out from the meager reports, the following North Carolina troops: Martin's, Clingman's, Daniel's (now commanded by Brig.-Gen. Bryan Grimes), Ramseur's (now under Brig.-Gen. W. R. Cox), Johnston's, Cooke's, Kirkland's (now under MacRae), Lane's, Scales', and Hoke's (under Lewis and later Godwin) brigades, and the remnants of the First and Third regiments subsequently assigned to General Cox's brigade. Then operating on the flanks was Gordon's gallant brige Confederates intrenched behind it. The loss of the two attacking corps was 2,200 men. That afternoon General Lee telegraphed to the secretary of war: This afternoon the enemy attacked General Heth and were handsomely repulsed by Cooke's and Kirkland's brigades. On the afternoon of the 2d, the divisions of Gordon, Rodes and Heth were ordered to move down the front of the Confederate line in an effort to break the Federal flank. This movement brought on sharp fighting, says Humphreys, but
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