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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), A campaign with sharpshooters. (search)
te to find the rear, we caught the gleam of bayonets in front of our disordered and plunging mass, and soon saw the dauntless mien and heard the steady tread of Longstreet's Corps, marching up to the relief, under the composed direction of Old Pete himself. Like Dessaix at Marengo, he arrived just in time to win a victory. While some of the broken troops of Heth and Wilcox joined in the advance with Longstreet's column, others straggled back to the point at which they were first engaged the night before. The sharpshooters moved across the road, near by certain batteries of Poague's artillery, which had been planted on a slight plateau on the left of theresh troops had come. Thus not only was a defeat, that seemed to be impending, averted, but a substantial victory was gained, though at a great sacrifice. For Longstreet, in himself a tower of strength, upon whose sturdy valor and fidelity General Lee leaned not less confidently, and not less worthily, than on Stonewall Jackson'
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The campaign in Pennsylvania. (search)
rge force of the enemy, near Gettysburg, General Longstreet was urged to hasten his march; and this,y rate, it would be unreasonable to hold General Longstreet alone accountable for this. Indeed, grehe attack. The general plan was unchanged. Longstreet, reinforced by Pickett's three brigades, whi. General Lee then had a conference with General Longstreet, and the mode of attack, and the troops nd understood the arrangement to be that General Longstreet should endeavor to force the enemy's linDivision and two brigades of Pender's at General Longstreet's disposal, and to be prepared to give hof Pender's Division, to report to Lieutenant General Longstreet, as a support to his corps, in the assault on the enemy's lines. General Longstreet proceeded at once to make the dispositions for's Division, was instructed to report to General Longstreet, who directed him to form in the rear ofded.-Extract from the Official Report of General Longstreet. It was different here. The charge[17 more...]
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Life in Pennsylvania. (search)
Life in Pennsylvania. General James Longstreet. It has been my purpose for some years to give ulders. Most affectionately yours, J. Longstreet. To A. B. Longstreet, Ll.D., Columbus, Ga.fell back, and it being now nearly dark, General Longstreet determined to await the arrival of Picke. Yours, truly, A. S. Long. To General Longstreet. I add the letter of Colonel Venableiversity of Virginia, May 11th, 1875. General James Longstreet: Dear General-Your letter of the 2een formed, I received notice that Lieutenant General Longstreet would occupy the ground on my righmarch, about ten o'clock at night, I met General Longstreet and some of his staff coming from the die, mine being the main attack. He says: General Longstreet's dispositions were not completed as soEwell, who had orders to co-operate with General Longstreet, and who was, of course, not aware of anpy.] Richmond, August 31st, 1863. Lieutenant General J. Longstreet, Headquarters Army of West Virgin[7 more...]
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The campaign of Gettysburg. (search)
hat army-Generals Hooker and Meade--that General Longstreet held with General Lee. I, therefore, fef the North and South in that campaign. General Longstreet states that on the 3d of June, 1863, thech was the action of Beverly ford, which General Longstreet calls Brandy Station. It was a roconnoibeen repulsed, would have been considered by Longstreet as worthy of any such distinguished attentio I desire, here, to call attention to General Longstreet's statement, in which he ignores all thevalry from the 17th to the 21st of June. General Longstreet states that he was occupying Ashby's andstroy they first make mad. Generals Lee and Longstreet lay great stress on the absence of Stuart's once. I could not believe it, although General Longstreet states that, at one time, General Lee dithe position to the Army of the Potomac. General Longstreet states that this rencontre was totally u attempt to do this is the weak point of General Longstreet's defense of that campaign. The chances[9 more...]
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Lee and Grant in the Wilderness. (search)
Mountain, which was eight miles from Orange; Longstreet, after his return from East Tennessee, remai 5th-Anderson's, of Hill's Corps, and two of Longstreet's. There was less than twenty-six thousand has been instructed to move forward; he and Longstreet will be up, and the two divisions that have condition of his command. His response was, Longstreet must be here; go bring him up. Galloping tok on that flank, owing to the non-arrival of Longstreet, that for a time it seemed as though a great stronger language than that employed by General Longstreet in a description he gave the writer of t one and a half miles it would have run over Longstreet's command marching by the flank. It was not possible for General Longstreet, reaching the field at the time he did, to have known from what poid ample time for Anderson to arrive, and for Longstreet to form, and when Hancock renewed the advancng the enemy's right; and on the plank road, Longstreet made a vigorous attack, and in the midst of [4 more...]
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Black Horse cavalry. (search)
' mill. Turning toward Brandy Station, on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, the command found that General Lee, with Longstreet's Corps, had established his headquarters at Willis Madden's house. Continuing its march, it crossed the railroad and east of Salem, Lieutenant A. D. Payne, with thirty men, was sent back to guide and accompany General Lee, who was with Longstreet's Corps, while Captain Randolph, with the rest of the Black Horse command, remained with Jackson. The lieutenant retraoverwhelming numbers, and he endeavored, but without success, to entice them into an ambuscade prepared for them by General Longstreet. During the skirmishing which took place with the Federal cavalry, several prisoners were captured, from whom infoicated to the Confederate general, at the residence of Colonel Robert Beverly. The next day, about noon, in advance of Longstreet's march, this detachment of the Black Horse opened communications with Jackson's Corps, near Groveton, a place on the
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The mistakes of Gettysburg. (search)
The mistakes of Gettysburg. General James Longstreet. [Second article.] In my first article I declared that the invasion of Pennsylvania was a movement that General Lee and his council agreed sf May, 1863, was precisely sixty-eight thousand three hundred and fifty-two. I learn from General Longstreet that, when the three corps were concentrated at Chambersburg, the morning report showed si the reunion of a family. Truly and respectfully yours, W. H. Taylor, A. A. G. To General Longstreet. Lexington, Va., March 9th, 1866. My Dear General:--Your son Garland handed me, a few so. It is the only way in which we can hope that fragments of truth will reach posterity. Mrs. Longstreet will act as your amanuensis. I am very sorry that your arm improves so slowly. I trust that it will, eventually, be restored to you. You must present my kindest regards to Mrs. Longstreet. I hope your home in New Orleans will be happy, and that your life, which is dear to me, will be lo
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Stonewall Jackson and his men. (search)
in command, and might have led to disaster in case of his death; but he evidently thought it better to run that risk than the risk of having his plans discovered. He never called a council of war; when called into council by General Lee, with Longstreet and Stuart, and the Hills, he let the others do the talking. If he made suggestions he did it briefly, and never attempted to sustain them by argument. He advised the flank movement at Chancellorsville, which resulted in the defeat of Hooker oth flanks, and escape seemed almost impossible, his face was as pale and firm as marble, his thin lips shut, his brow thoughtful and hard; or at second Manassas, where his little corps struggled for hours and days against the army of Pope, and Longstreet did not come; when the sun seemed to stand still, and night would not fall, Jackson spoke not a word of hope nor fear. If he sought counsel of heaven, he asked none of man, and no man dared offer it. Such confidence and faith were contagious.
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The famous fight at Cedar creek. (search)
ng against and resisting. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, H. G. Wright, Major General Commanding. [Inclosure.] To Lieutenant General Early: Be ready to move as soon as my forces join you, and we will crush Sheridan. Longstreet, Lieutenant General. This dispatch, translated by our signal officers from the rebel signal flag on Three-Top mountain, whether genuine or a ruse, seemed to betoken activity of some sort on the part of the Confederates. Sheridan attached tn the raid on Charlottesville, and to order all the cavalry back to the army at Cedar creek, with the following message to General Wright, dated the evening of the 16th: The cavalry is all ordered back to you; make your position strong. If Longstreet's dispatch is true, he is under the impression that we have largely detached. I will go over to Augur, and may get additional news. Close in Colonel Powell, who will be at this point [Front Royal]. If the enemy should make an advance, I know
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The career of General A. P. Hill. (search)
Cold Harbor, while A. P. Hill, supported by Longstreet, moved by the north bank of the Chickahominydes were broken; and at four o'clock, though Longstreet had thrown his fine division in upon the rigs the river. Now, if a Jackson, or Hill, or Longstreet were on the thither flank, McClellan would b James, was not intercepted. Again Hill and Longstreet come upon his rear and lock with him in deadinal struggle seemed to be at hand. But now Longstreet's columns, urged on by tales of Jackson's neerson was sent to the right to take front in Longstreet's attack. That night Pope hurried-dismayed hastened back to Sharpsburg, where Lee, with Longstreet and D. 11. Hill, was beset by McClellan's n from Harper's Ferry-prolonged the right of Longstreet. During this evening the Federals crossed t, casualty and the necessities of war called Longstreet and Ewell away from Lee, but Hill was ever a until time had been gained for the march of Longstreet and Anderson to the rescue. Throughout the [8 more...]
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