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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 16: the Army of the Potomac before Richmond. (search)
ry on the morning of the 28th, when Franklin's corps withdrew from Golding's farm in front of Woodbury's Bridge. The Confederates opened their artillery on Smith's division from Garnett's Hill, and from Porter's late position on Gaines's Hill, beyond the Chickahominy. This was followed by an attempt of two Georgia regiments to carry the works about to be abandoned, when they were driven back by the Twenty-third New York and Forty-ninth Pennsylvania, who were on picket duty with a section of Mott's battery. This repulse confirmed the Confederates in the belief that Mclellan's army was all behind his intrenchments, preparing for another attack. Lee was deceived. He supposed McClellan might at once throw his united force across the river, and give battle to preserve his communication with the White House; or else, if it was his intention to relinquish the siege of Richmond, that, having possession of the lower bridges of the Chickahominy, he would follow the way down the Peninsula
stands, and extended some mile and a half or two miles above it. The positions of the tents are still marked by the banks of sand thrown up to protect them against the Northers. It is a classical spot with the army, there are so many old associations, traditions, and souvenirs of many who are now no more. The country round Corpus is very beautiful. Below, towards the bay (gulf, rather), it is a rather flat country, alternately prairie and chapparal, the prairies interspersed with motts Mott, a local word, meaning a grove, or clump, of trees. of live-oak and mesquite Mesquite, an indigenous tree of the acacia kind. covered withal by a luxuriant growth of grass. The chapparal is the prettiest growth of that nature I remember to have seen. It is, of course, tropical,--that is, composed of the cactus and the stiff thorn-covered bushes peculiar to the Southern latitudes; but the ground even now is covered with a great variety of beautiful flowers, and the whole makes up a very p
ed, 902 wounded, and 335 missing, who of course were prisoners. Gen. McClellan makes our total loss during the day 456 killed, 1,400 wounded, and 372 missing; total, 2,228. No official account of the Rebel losses In this engagement is at hand; but the Richmond Ditpatch of May 8th has a bulletin, professedly based on an official dispatch from Gen. Johnston, which, claiming 11 cannon and 623 prisoners captured, admits a Rebel loss of but 220; yet names Gen. Anderson, of North Carolina, Col. Mott, of Mississippi, Col. Ward, 4th Florida, and Col. Winm. H. Palmer, 1st Virginia, as among the killed; and Gen. Early, Gen. Rains, Col. Kemper, 7th Virginia, Col. Corse, 17th Virginia, and Col Garland, of Lynchburg, as wounded; adding: The 1st Virginia was badly cut up. Out of 200 men in the fight, some 80 or 90 are reported killed or wounded. Col. Kemper's regiment suffered terribly, though we have no account of the extent of the casualties. These items indicate a total loss of certainly no
divine that movement till late in the afternoon. June 28. No serious attack or forward movement was made by the enemy during that day; though in the morning, perceiving that Gen. Franklin's corps were being withdrawn from their front at Golding's farm, opposite Woodbury's Bridge, the Rebels opened on them from Garrett's and Gaines's Hill, and soon advanced two Georgia regiments to assault our works; but they were easily repulsed by the 23d New York and 49th Pennsylvania, with a section of Mott's battery. McCall's weakened division was ordered to follow Porter across the Swamp during the ensuing night, Of June 28. while Sumner's and Heintzelman's corps and Smith's division were directed to take up a line of advance stretching eastward from Keyes's old intrenchments, and covering Savage's Station, which was held by Slocum's division. This position they were to hold until dark, Of the 29th. so as to cover the withdrawal of the trains, and then fall back on the roads leading
s. Sickles testified, when before the Committee on the Conduct of the War, that only his and a part of the 12th (Slocum's) corps were engaged when he first sent to Hooker for help; and that, with 10,000 of the 30,000 then unengaged, he could have won a decided victory. As it was, the fact that he lost no prisoners, while he took several hundred, and that nearly 4,000 of his 18,000 men were that day disabled, including two of his three division commanders (Berry and Whipple) killed, and Gen. Mott, of the New Jersey brigade, wounded, without the loss of a gun Sickles, in his testimony, says: At the conclusion of the battle of Sunday, Capt. Seeley's battery, which was the last that fired a shot in the battle of Chancellorsville, had 45 horses killed, and in the neighborhood of 40 men killed and wounded; but, being a soldier of great pride and ambition, and not wishing to leave any of his material in the hands of the enemy, he withdrew so entirely at his leisure that he carried
k sternly advanced, in two lines; Barlow's and Birney's divisions forming the first; Gibbon's and Mott's the second. Before them was a salient angle of earthworks, held by Edward Johnson's division ohrew a division of his corps in between our two, striking rapidly in flank successively Barlow's, Mott's, and Gibbon's divisions, rolling them up and forcing them back, with a loss of 4 guns and many Bailey's creek: Barlow, with two divisions, being sent around to assault in flank and rear; while Mott's division menaced their eastern front, and Birney's corps assailed them next the river. Birney tion, Hill, seeing but unseen, silently deployed in the woods, and, at 4 P. M., charged; striking Mott's division, whose first notice of an enemy's approach was a volley of musketry. The brigade (Piemy, emerging into the cleared space along the Boydton road, pushed across that road in pursuit of Mott's fugitives, firing and yelling, Egan struck them in flank with two brigades, sweeping down the r
ere wagoned around our left to Lee's camps. This expedition, consisting of Warren's (5th) corps, Mott's division of the 2d, and Gregg's mounted division, moved down the railroad so far as the Meherriwo corps having taken position on the Rebel flank — Smythe's division and McAllister's brigade of Mott's having gallantly repulsed the enemy's attempt to turn the right of the former — Gregg's cavalryly in prisoners. Still, his position was so strong that repeated and vigorous attempts by Miles, Mott, and Hays, under Humphreys's orders, to penetrate it at different points, were repelled — the abaight, pressing on Petersburg from the west; while Humphreys, farther to our left, with Hays's and Mott's divisions of the 2d corps, having stormed a redoubt in his front, came up with two divisions, c loss of over 600 killed and wounded. Brig.-Gen. Smyth and Maj. Mills were among our killed; Maj.-Gen. Mott, Brig.-Gens. Madill and McDougall, and Col. Starbird, 19th Maine, were severely wounded. Wh<
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 5 (search)
ederal part, to recover the lost ground. The remainder of the afternoon and the evening were devoted to burying the dead and providing for the comfort of our wounded, who, with many of those of the Federal army, who had been captured, were placed in hospitals and private residences in Williamsburg. Longstreet's and Hill's divisions slept on the field. The Confederate loss was about twelve hundred killed and wounded. The proportion of the former was unusually small; but it included Colonel Mott, Nineteenth Mississippi, and Colonel Ward, Second Florida regiment. The Confederate officers, who saw the ground upon which the dead and wounded of both parties lay, supposed that of the enemy to be from three to five times greater than ours. General Hooker, on oath before the committee on the conduct of the war, said that his division alone lost seventeen hundred men. About four hundred unwounded prisoners, ten colors, and twelve field-pieces, were taken from the enemy. We had the mea
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
en who cannot be armed, unless a part at least of the arms referred to can be returned. Permit me again to remind the War Department that a division and five brigades are without their proper generals. The great number of colonels and other field-officers who are absent sick, makes the want of general officers the more felt. Several of the colonels of this army are well qualified to be brigadier-generals. Besides Colonels A. P. Hill and Forney, Colonels Hampton, Winder, Garland, and Mott, are fully competent to command brigades. Most respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. E. Johnston, General. Headquarter Department of Northern Virginia, January 30, 1862. General S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector-General. Sir: The execution of War Department General Order No. 1 will greatly reduce the strength of the one year regiments of this army. They constitute about two-thirds of the whole number. I respectfully suggest that men to fill those regiments, say twenty or thirty pe
Doc. 142.-fight near Lee's Mills, Va. New-York Tribune account. Lee's Mills, Va., April 17, 1862. A reconnoissance was made about a mile north-east of Lee's Mills yesterday, which, in the severity of the fighting it involved, may be properly ranked as a battle. At half-past 6 o'clock, companies E, F, D and K, of the Third Vermont, began to work as skirmishers, Mott's battery supporting them with a very accurate fire of shot and shell. The Vermonters skirmished until noon, when they were relieved. The fire had been very accurate. The rebel braggarts, who began dancing on their ramparts, and swinging their hats, and defying our troops in the customary Southern military fashion, were dropped so rapidly by the sharp-shooters as to be soon cured of this style of warfare. The four companies of the Third lay down after dinner, and thoroughly rested themselves. At four o'clock in the afternoon, they were called up, formed into line, and told by their Colonel in a pithy sp
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