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408; 404. Paul, Brig--Gen., wounded at Gettysburg, 388. Payne, Col., 2d La., wounded at Port Hudson, 333. Pea Ridge, battle of, 27 to 32; losses at, 31. Peace negotiations in Hampton roads, 675. Peace overtures at Niagara and Richmond, 664-6. Peck, Gen. John J., repels Longstreet at Suffolk, Va., 367. Pegram, Gen., routed by Gillmore near Somerset, Ky., 427; wounded at the Wilderness, 568; killed at Dabney's Mill, Va., 726. Pelouze, Major, severely wounded, 177. Pemberton, Gen. John C., defeated at Champion Hills, 307; his defense and surrender of Vicksburg, 310-16. Pender, Brig.-Gen., at second Bull Run, 189; wounded mortally at Gettysburg, 380; 387; 389. Pennsylvania Reserves, at Gaies's Mill, 157; in White Oak Swamp, 161-2; at second Bull Run, 189. Pennsylvania, invaded by Lee, 393. Pensacola, retaken by Union forces, 459. Perczel, Col., 10th Iowa, repulses Rebels at Iuka, 224. Perryville, Ky., battle and map of, 219. Petersburg, Va.
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 1 (search)
teers then just beginning to assemble at the call of the Governor. He himself was then selecting the points to be occupied by these troops for the protection of the State, and determining the number to be assigned to each. Norfolk, a point near Yorktown, another in front of Fredericksburg, Manassas Junction, Harper's Ferry, and Grafton, seemed to be regarded by him as the most important positions, for they were to be occupied in greatest force. I was assisted in my duties by Lieutenant-Colonel Pemberton, Majors Jackson and Gilham, and Captain T. L. Preston. Near the end of April, however, the second named was promoted to a colonelcy and assigned to the command of Harper's Ferry, held until then by Colonel Kenton Harper. I was employed in this way about two weeks. Then, Virginia having acceded to the Southern Confederacy, the government of which assumed the direction of military affairs, I accepted a brigadier-generalcy offered me by telegraph by the President. It was then
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 6 (search)
l Bragg's army. events in Mississippi. General Pemberton's dispatches. battle near Port Gibson. army of twenty-three thousand men Lieutenant-General Pemberton's reports to me. on the Tallahatchioper, found there, informed me that Lieutenant-General Pemberton was falling back before superior force from General Bragg's command to Lieutenant-General Pemberton's aid. I replied immediately, bn to the defense of his department, Lieutenant-General Pemberton and myself differed widely as to thherman's command, being reported by Lieutenant-General Pemberton's scouts, the detachments of Stevenhern shore on the 26th of December. Lieutenant-General Pemberton reported, the day after, that his lin his possession. At this time Lieutenant-General Pemberton had some six thousand cavalry near army. While the troops were engaged, General Pemberton telegraphed to me: A furious battle has re, and reorganized, now on their way to General Pemberton. Stop them at the point most convenient[27 more...]
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
I found the explanation of this in Lieutenant-General Pemberton's report. It was not delivered to ten o'clock A. M., a letter to me, from General Pemberton, was delivered by Captain Yerger. It waence to the order expressed in it. Lieutenant-General Pemberton's official report. A majority of thter bringing Bowen's troops into action, General Pemberton directed Loring to join in it with at lessissippi, and his official report, See General Pemberton's report, page 33. prove that before I r and by what routes to approach. Lieutenant-General Pemberton wrote on the same day: I am still wicate. In a dispatch dated 22d, Lieutenant-General Pemberton suggested that I should propose tery have been written subsequently by Lieutenant-General Pemberton, was intercepted or lost. The laste, infantry and artillery, is, from Lieutenant-General Pemberton, nine thousand eight hundred and thated. We cannot combine operations with General Pemberton, from uncertain and slow communication. [56 more...]
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
arl River. Colonel C. A. Fuller, of Lieutenant-General Pemberton's staff, arrived from Vicksburg, an the report should have been made to me, General Pemberton's commander, during the operations to wh were required, in his opinion. Lieutenant-General Pemberton says: With a moderate cavalry forceou did not hesitate to order troops from General Pemberton's army, and, learning that you had orderhe purpose being to hasten reenforcements to Pemberton without weakening Bragg. This was in defereragg, than to send troops from the latter to Pemberton; and, one of the reasons which induced the iis dated April 30th, and in these words: General Pemberton telegraphs that unless he has more cavalxpense; for you had just ordered troops from Pemberton's command to reenforce Bragg. The time alluted a force equal to that sent from Bragg to Pemberton in December last under your instructions, toBragg than to send troops from the latter to Pemberton. I have transferred but two bodies of troop[62 more...]
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 11 (search)
icate with General Bragg in relation to the operations of the army. That I disregarded his entreaties to change my course, and attack the enemy. And gross exaggerations of the strength and losses of the army. The President did not give me the benefit of his instructions in the manner of conducting this campaign, further than a brief telegram received early in July, in which he warned me against receiving battle with the Chattahoochee behind the army and near it. But as Lieutenant-General Pemberton's retreat from the Tallahatchie to the Yallobusha, in December, 1862, before an army which he thought not quite double his own; and General Bragg's, first from Murfreesboroa to Tullahoma, then from Tullahoma beyond the Tennessee River, and afterward the rout on Missionary Ridge and flight to Dalton, apparently had not lowered the President's estimate of the military merit of those officers, I supposed that my course would not be disapproved by him; especially as General Lee, by ke
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 14 (search)
Jackson, instead of leading his troops to join Lieutenant-General Pemberton's, or going to his headquarters, which was feasrong enough to have cut through Grant's lines and relieve Pemberton. Finally, he did move; but only in time to reach the banks of the Big Black River to hear of Pemberton's surrender. This caused him to fall back to Jackson; which place he represemight make it with a force adequate to win; and Lieutenant-General Pemberton's course was approved when he refused Grant's ge President assigned me to the command of Generals Bragg, Pemberton, and Kirby Smith, he fixed my headquarters in Tennessee. te the troops in Jackson with those immediately under General Pemberton. The measure was defeated See page 181. by disobedere my forces adequate to cut through Grant's lines. General Pemberton, as much interested as any one could be in bold meas Mississippi. With such an addition to his strength, General Pemberton would certainly have enabled Bowen to meet McClernand
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Letters. (search)
ted, upon intelligence given him by Lieutenant-General Pemberton. J. E. Johnston. Murfreesboro,kson, January 2, 1863. Mr. President: General Pemberton continues to command at Vicksburg. He hississippi until General Buford receives General Pemberton's orders. Do it at Atlanta, as well as Che enemy in force between this place and General Pemberton, cutting off the communication. I am to, General. Jackson, May 13, 1863. Lieutenant-General Pemberton: I have lately arrived, and learing Loring's division and Maxcy's brigade of Pemberton's troops, and Evans's of Beauregard's, have My first intention on learning that Lieutenant-General Pemberton was in Vicksburg was to form an armurg is beginning to appear impossible to me. Pemberton will undoubtedly make a gallant and obstinatated. We cannot combine operations with General Pemberton, from uncertain and slow communication. istance of the other. Colonel Waul, commanding Fort Pemberton, was directed to leave a garrison of[23 more...]
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Telegrams. (search)
f true, for we have twelve hundred cavalry in that vicinity. I have nothing official from Vicksburg. (A list of paroled Vicksburg officers follows.) J. E. Johnston. Jackson, July 11, 1863. To his Excellency the President: Under General Pemberton's orders, a line of rifle-pits was constructed from the Canton road, at Colonel Withers's house, a few hundred yards from the railroad-depot, and going to the New Orleans Railroad, a thousand yards south. It is very defective, cannot stands Excellency President Davis: Jackson was abandoned last night. The troops are now moving through this place to encamp three miles to the east. Those officers who have seen the Vicksburg troops think that they cannot be kept together. General Pemberton thinks the best policy is to furlough them by regiments. J. E. Johnston. Richmond, July 18, 1863. General J. E. Johnston: Your dispatch of yesterday received, informing me of your retreat from Jackson toward the east. I desire to k
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman ., volume 1, chapter 12 (search)
nd, in place of General Buell, who was removed. The effect of the battle of Corinth was very great. It was, indeed, a decisive blow to the Confederate cause in our quarter, and changed the whole aspect of affairs in West Tennessee. From the timid defensive we were at once enabled to assume the bold offensive. In Memphis I could see its effects upon the citizens, and they openly admitted that their cause had sustained a death-blow. But the rebel government was then at its maximum strength; Van Dorn was reenforced, and very soon Lieutenant-General J. C. Pemberton arrived and assumed the command, adopting for his line the Tallahatchie River, with an advance-guard along the Coldwater, and smaller detachments forward at Grand Junction and Hernando. General Grant, in like manner, was reenforced by new regiments. Out of those which were assigned to Memphis I organized two new brigades, and placed them under officers who had gained skill and experience during the previous campaign.
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