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e, John, on the Slave-Trade, 28. Loguen, Jerry, a fugitive slave, 215. London Times, The, Russell's estimate of our forces prior to Bull Run, 550. Lone Star, order of the, 270; 350. Longscauses of secession, 396. Rodney, CAeSAR A., of Del., 52; 107. Rollins, James S., of Mo., Russell to, 80, 555. Roman Catholics, with regard to Slavery, 118. Romney, Va., surprised by the usk, Thomas J., of Texas, on Nebraska, 226. Russell, Col. Wm. H., of Mo., to Rollins, 80. Russell, Lieut., destroys schooner Judah, 602. Russell, Majors, and Waddell, their complicity in theRussell, Majors, and Waddell, their complicity in the Bailey defalcations, 410. Russell, Wm. 11., of The London Times, his opinion of the Carolinians, 451; his estimate of the Union forces before Bull Run, 550 ; citation from, 632. Russellville, Russell, Wm. 11., of The London Times, his opinion of the Carolinians, 451; his estimate of the Union forces before Bull Run, 550 ; citation from, 632. Russellville, Ky., Secession Convent'n at, 617. Russia mediates between Great Britain and the U. S., with respect to captured slaves, 176. Rust, Albert, of Ark., proposition of, 386. Rutledge, John I., on
itness of this part of the retreat, who met Mr. Russell at the very head of the stampede.--Editor. ove slept at Fairfax Court-House long after Mr. Russell was safe in Washington. As late as 11 P. Mdisorder had been checked immediately after Mr. Russell's heasty retreat, we quote the following frat New Jersey regiment, a private of which, Mr. Russell says, threatened to shoot him if he did not house for a cup of water. While drinking, Mr. Russell passed. We recognized him, rode along, ands not known to any on the road, not even to Mr. Russell, who informed us that our army would fall bhe cavalry charged upon the Fire Zouaves. Mr Russell says, there were no masked batteries at playnd again resumed after three or four miles, Mr. Russell says nothing — he did not see it--he wasn'te Wolf's letter, pages 66-64 ante, in which Mr. Russell's statements in regard to the charges on thady, I hope to be able to accompany it. Mr. Russell's Third letter on Bull Run The rebel arm[18 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 41: search for health.—journey to Europe.—continued disability.—1857-1858. (search)
m Club with Mr. Parkes, where I met Mr. Osborne, M. P., also Peter Cunningham and Charles Mackay. September 24. Went to Dulwich Gallery; left cards; dined with Mr. Cooke, a partner of John Murray and old friend of the late James Brown [the publisher, of Boston]. September 25. Left London in the train at 9.15 for Manchester; stopped at Palatine Hotel; went at once to the Exhibition. September 26. The whole day till night at the Exhibition; in the evening heard Mr. Russell, Dr. William H. Russell (1821—), correspondent of the London Times in the United States during the early part of the Civil War. of the London Times, lecture at Free Trade Hall on the Crimea. September 27. Admitted to a private view of the Exhibition all day; in the evening went with Mr. Henry Ashworth to his house at Bolton, where I dined and passed the night. September 28. Again in Manchester, and all day at the Exhibition. In the evening dined with Mr. Thomas Bazeley, President of Chamber of Commer
noble effort to restore harmony. 80th April, 7th day, p. 126. Mr. Russell, their chairman, addressed the Convention in a solemn and impresh the South, and her common destiny with the entire Republic. Mr. Russell was not then prepared to answer, in behalf of his delegation, whed by Congressional or Territorial legislation. Page 136.* Mr. Russell, as chairman of the delegation from Virginia, rose to express thme Court, and going no further. On a subsequent day (May 3d), Mr. Russell informed the Convention that this resolution had, he believed, rd to save the Democratic party, the Convention, on the motion of Mr. Russell, of Virginia, resolved to adjourn to meet at Baltimore on Mondayfirmace of the decision of the Supreme Court. In advocating it, Mr. Russell, of Virginia, whose ability and spirit of conciliation had been s effects which must have been foreseen by all. Page 212. Mr. Russell rose and stated, It has become my duty now, by direction of a la
terior Department by Godard Bailey, the clerk in charge of them, and had been delivered to William H. Russell, a member of the firm of Russell, Majors & Waddell. Upon examination, it was discovered tRussell, Majors & Waddell. Upon examination, it was discovered that this clerk, in lieu of the bonds abstracted, had from time to time received bills of corresponding amount from Russell, drawn by the firm on John B. Floyd, Secretary of War, and by him accepted aRussell, drawn by the firm on John B. Floyd, Secretary of War, and by him accepted and indorsed, and this without any lawful authority. In consequence there was found in the safe where the Indian bonds had been kept, a number of these accepted bills, exactly equal in amount to $870 rendered impossible by the action of the committee itself, in examining John B. Floyd and William H. Russell as witnesses. For this reason they were relieved from all criminal responsibility by the or any fact or act touching which he shall have testified. In this manner both Mr. Floyd and Mr. Russell escaped without trial. To return from our digression. Secretary Floyd's apparent complicity
ty attached to the custodian. According to Mr. Russell's own evidence, he did not know at first whand Mr. Lea was an intermediate party between Russell and Bailey. It was also ascertained that Secen on the strength of their contract. Wm. H. Russell is the head of the house of Russell, MajorRussell, Majors & Waddell, a firm widely known as contractors with the War Department for transporting army provi he should not remember. The next heard of Mr. Russell is that he is on his way from New York to Wo.--Mr. Lea did not introduce Mr. Bailey to Mr. Russell, nor does he state that he appointed for thwould be greatly agonized and disturbed. Messrs. Russell and Bailey held a private interview in th recipient returned with them to New York. Mr. Russell states, that he left with Mr. Bailey one note of Russell, Majors & Waddell's in their stead, as security. Why Mr. Bailey abstracted the bturned to the Department for cancellation. Mr. Russell, however, claims to have returned only $200[21 more...]
o transmit copies of the foregoing resolutions to the Governors of the several States, with a request that they be communicated to their respective Legislatures. Resolved, That as there are no propositions from any quarter to interfere with slavery in the District of Columbia, or in places under the exclusive jurisdiction of Congress, and situate within the limits of States that permit the holding of slaves, or to interfere with the inter-State slave trade, this Committee does not deem it necessary to take any action on those subjects. The Peace Conference propositions were not mentioned. A faint effort was made to get up the Force bill, but it was generally discouraged by the Republicans. It is effectually killed. The House concurred in the several reports of the Committees of Conference on the Appropriation bills. A committee was appointed to adjust and equitably settle the account against Wm. H. Russell. growing out of the Indian Trust Fund defalcation.
The late Defalcation. Washington, March 11. --The case of Wm. H. Russell, in connection with the Indian Trust Bond Defalcation, which was argued last week in the Criminal Court, was decided to-day. His plea in abatement under the statute of 1858, was sustained, and he was discharged. Ex-Secretary Floyd, indicted for complicity in the same affair, appeared, and gave security in the sum of $10,000 to appear for trial.
Secretary Chase has issued orders to obtain name, age, length of service, occupation and nativity of each officer in his department.--Secretary Smith has done the same thing. Mr. Rhett, of South Carolina, has lost two children by scarlet fever, since the meeting of the Southern Congress, of which he is a member. Wm. H. Russell, the well-known correspondent of the London Times, will, it is said, come to this country to describe men and things at the present juncture. Mrs. Elizabeth Fudge died in Washington county, Va., on the 9th inst., leaving 100 grand children and nearly fifty great-grand-children. John R. Branner, of Knoxville, has been elected President of the East Tennessee and Virginia Railroad. A house of ill-fame, in Wythville, Va., known as "Fort Sumter," was demolished by the citizens of that place last week. The woolen factory of Bailey & Bowman, in Frederick county, Va., was burnt on the 7th inst. Loss $3,000. D. M. Warren, the auth
ion to the Secretary. Bailey is said to allege that he loaned Russell the bonds under his persuasions and those of a Washington banker, s, the stocks would have been re-purchased and handed back to him. Russell gave him an amount of such accepted drafts equal to the amount of e eventual return of the State bonds. It is further said that Russell obtained from the Bank of the Republic, in New York, on the State ble whereabouts (in New York) of Bailey's alleged confederate — Wm. H. Russell, of the firm of Russell. Major & Co., the great overland pony Russell. Major & Co., the great overland pony express and army-transportation contractors — he telegraphed to Marshal Rynders to effect his arrest; but up to the hour at which we go to pr watch for him, by jumping off thus on the outskirts of the city. Russell is said not to be the only person implicated besides Bailey. A Wa, of this city, dispatched by the department to New York to arrest Russell, announcing that they arrested him this forenoon. A telegraph
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