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Your search returned 38 results in 12 document sections:

and the Parliament." Twenty eight members abstained from voting. Miscellaneous. The Paris Moniteur publishes an Imperial decision reducing the French army in Rome to a single division, consisting of three divisional brigades, under the command of Gen. Montebello. The Prussian Ambassador has presented his credentials to the Emperor of the French. Accounts from the manufacturing districts of France are favorable, and the silk and . other crops most satisfactory. The Hesse- Cassel Electors had accepted the resignation of the Ministry and the principal ministerial functionaries. Garibaldi had an explanation at Turin with the king's Aide-de-camp. It is asserted that all differences between the government and Garibaldi had been arranged, and he proceeded to Belgrade. He will not be present at he Parliamentary sitting. Prince Napoleon had arrived at Naples, where the populace cheered him. The House of Commons on the 3d of June divided on the motion ag
kfort at the end of a few years, and set up a small shop in the "Jew lane," over which he hung the sign of a red-shield, called in German " Rothschild." As a dealer in old and rare coins, he made the acquaintance of the Serene Elector of Hesse Cassel, who, happening to be in want of a confidential agent for various open and secret purposes, appointed the shrewd looking Mayor Anselm to the post. The Serene Elector being compelled soon after to fly his country, Mayor Anselm took charge of hlorins. With the instinct of his race, Anselm did not forget to put the money out on good interest, so that before Napoleon had gone to Elba, and the illustrious Elector had returned to Cassel, the capital had more than doubled. The ruler of Hesse-Cassel thought it almost a marvel to get his money safely returned from the Jew lane of Frankfort, and at the Congress of Vienna was never tired of singing the praise of his Hebrew agent to all the princes of Europe. The dwellers under the sign of t