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gage her. It was then growing dark; the ram steamed up to the Roanoke River, and the firing soon ceased on both sides. The officers and men of this ship behaved with great coolness, and did their whole duty. Enclosed you will please find carpenter's and gunner's reports. Casualties, none. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Charles A. French, Acting Volunteer-Lieutenant, commanding. Captain M. Smith, U. S. N., Senior Naval Officer, Sounds North Carolina. Report of Acting Master Wells. United States steamer gunboat Miami, May 6, 1864. Sir: I have the honor to submit the following report of ammunition expended on the fifth instant, in the action with the iron-clad ram Albemarle, in the Albemarle Sound. Seventy-six (76) thirteen-pound nine-inch cartridges. Seventy-six (76) solid nine-inch shot. Forty-one (41) ten-pound six-inch cartridges; one hundred-pounder rifle. Forty-one (41) solid six-inch shot, (chilled ends,) four long, and thirty-seven sh
Kentucky, and Colonel Knefler, commanding Seventy-ninth Indiana, distinguished themselves by the vigor of their assault on Mission Ridge, and the ardor with which they attacked the rebels after the crest had been gained. To the members of my personal staff, Captain Bestow, Assistant Adjutant-General, First Lieutenant Yargan, Fifty-eighth Indiana, and Second Lieutenant Shaffer, Ninety-third Ohio, Aides-de-Camp, Captain Bartlett, Forty-ninth Ohio, Inspector-General of the Division, and Captain Wells, Eighty-ninth Illinois, Assistant Commissary of Musters, who accompanied me on the field throughout the entire operations, my thanks are especially due for much valuable assistance, promptly and intelligently rendered. They all bore themselves with signal gallantry. Captain Bestow was slightly wounded by the fragment of a shell in the assault on Mission Ridge. To the members of my staff who were not immediately on the field, Captain Bradley, Sixth Ohio battery, Chief of Artillery; Cap
of the Seventh and Twenty-ninth brigades, Schultz's, Marshall's and Wells' batteries, was posted on a rolling slope of the west bank of Stonet destructive. Houghtaling's, Schultz's, Marshall's, Bush's, and Wells' batteries were all ordered into action in my front, pouring destruthat the artillery practice of Schultz's, Mendenhall's, Standart's, Wells', Marshall's, and Stokes' batteries, which were acting temporarily he Eleventh Michigan, Nine-teenth Illinois, Thirty-seventh Indiana, Wells' section (Kentucky) battery, and Spears' Tennessee brigade. I wiry B, First Ohio artillery. Lieutenant A. A. Ellsworth, commanding Wells' section Kentucky artillery. Lieutenant W. H. Spence, Wells' secWells' section Kentucky artillery. Lieutenant H. Terry, Third Ohio cavalry. Secretaries-Sergeant H. B. Fletcher, Company K, Nineteenth Illinois volattery275564 11  154 1  Marshall's Battery,31101166 5 5 143412 4  Wells' Battery247403 1 3 6186411 Artillery,723221213 718 2157224
of the following regiments, viz., Third Mississippi, Colonel Davidson, Lieutenant-Colonel Wells commanding; First Mississippi, Colonel Simonton, Lieutenant-Colonel Hathe head of the column was fired upon. I immediately sent an order to Lieutenant-Colonel Wells to face his right wing to the right, and wheel it to the right, so tha), but by some misunderstanding of the order, or its being miscarried, Lieutenant-Colonel Wells charged his front forward on first company, breaking my line at the leif they had been on review. I at the same time despatched an order to Lieutenant-Colonel Wells to occupy the position on the left of the Eighth Kentucky. (I make thhe field officers under my command without doing injustice to others. Lieutenant-Colonel Wells, assisted by Captains Kennedy and Wells, of the Third Mississippi; LieWells, of the Third Mississippi; Lieutenant-Colonel Lyon, assisted by Major Henry of the Eighth Kentucky; Colonel Gregg, Lieutenant-Colonel Clough, and Major Granbury of the Seventh Texas; Lieutenant-C
Henry Morton Stanley, Dorothy Stanley, The Autobiography of Sir Henry Morton Stanley, part 2.13, chapter 2.16 (search)
to unbutton and mop their faces, and they looked exceedingly uncomfortable. Then it was that I conquered my reserve, and spoke, and offered oranges, water, sandwiches, etc. Their shyness vanished, they ate and laughed and enjoyed themselves, and I with them. The pipes and cigars came next, and, being entertainer, as it were, I did my best for the sake of good fellowship, and I talked of Goshen, Pithom, A city of Egypt mentioned in Exodus i, 11, along with Rameses. and Rameses, Moses' Wells, and what not. We came at last to Suez, and, being known at the hotel, I was at once served with a room. While I was washing, I heard voices. I looked up; my room was separated from the next by an eight-foot partition. In the next room were my young friends of the journey, and they were speaking of me! Old is the saying that listeners hear no good of themselves; but, had I been a leper or a pariah, I could not have been more foully and slanderously abused. This is the third time withi
f Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Connecticut1836 History of Preaching in New England1836 Oration at Quincy, July 41837 Normal Schools,--Lecture before American Institute of Instruction, at Worcester1837 System of Education in Holland,--Introductory Lecture before the American Institute of Instruction, at Lowell1838 Letters of a foreign Correspondent; being Communications from Europe, on Science, Natural History, Education, Pauperism, Fine Arts, and Religion1838-44 Artesian Wells,--Account of the first one at Paris, France1841 Parisian Linguist,--an easy Method of obtaining a true Pronunciation of French1842 American School of Fine Arts,--a Speech made in Rome, Italy, Feb. 221843 Remarks at Annual Meeting of the American Unitarian Association1844 Natural History,--A Lecture before the American Institute of Instruction, at Portland1844 Protestantism in France, Christian Examiner 1844 Christian in his Closet,--Volume of Prayers for Individuals; 2d edition1845 Su
and delegates invited to assist in the ordination of ministers. 1700.--Charlestown voted that all the waste land belonging to the town, on the north side of Mystic River, should be divided, and laid out equally, to every person an equal share that hath been an inhabitant of this town six years, and is twenty-one years old; and the like share to all widows, householders, that have been six years inhabitants. 1703.--A terrific storm occurred in England. Bishop Kidder, Bishop of Bath and Wells, was killed, with his wife, by the falling of chimneys upon them while in bed in the palace at Wells. He was kinsman of the Kidders of Medford. Mrs. Samuel Kidder, now of Medford, is a descendant of Rev. John Rogers, the martyr. In 1712, a day-laborer in Medford was allowed two shillings; for a team, one day, five shillings. The Rev. Aaron Porter's signature may be seen in the townrecords, under date of May 15 and Aug. 20, 1717. June 12, 1717.--There was a hearing before the counc
nd Jonathan. Anson had a son, David, who had David, jun. This last, David, jun., was the father of Coleman C. Kenrick, for the past six years a resident of Medford. The Kidder family was settled, for several centuries, at Maresfield, in the county of Sussex, some seventy miles from London. It is believed that the only persons now living of that name can be traced back to this common stock. In England, the most distinguished bearer of this name was Richard Kidder, Bishop of Bath and Wells. He was born in 1633, at East Grinstead, the birthplace of the American emigrant, whose kinsman he was. He was Rector of St. Martin's, London; Prebend of Norwich, 1681; Dean of Peterborough, 1689; and Bishop of Bath, 1691. He was killed, during the great gale of Nov. 27, 1703, by the fall of a chimney on the bishop's palace at Wells, which crushed him and his wife while at prayers. His daughter, Ann, died unmarried; and her only sister, Susanna, married Sir Richard Everard, one of the ear
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Sherman's advance on Meridian — report of General W. H. Jackson. (search)
e artillery and infantry, and a rapid advance of the enemy's whole line. Night coming on I withdrew the command to the Ponds near the Wells's place, and bivouaced for the night, the enemy having halted at Reynolds Ponds. He commenced his advance at daylight the next morning, and attacked my pickets; I ordered forward Lieutenant-Colonel Maxwell, with his regiment to re-inforce them, who became hotly engaged upon arriving on the ground, and were forced back to the position I was occupying at Wells's with the other two regiments and battery. The enemy in heavy force advanced rapidly in line of battle, on this position, and a brisk engagement took place. At this time General Jackson came on the field from the Bolton depot and Clinton road, running parrallel with the one I was on, where General Adams with his brigade had been resisting the approach of the other army corps of the enemy, and directed in person the firing of my artillery. The enemy here had pushed on their column on the
ral, 277. Walshe, Matthew, 200. Walthall, General E. C., 18, 491. Walton, Col. I. B., 282. War Between the States. Growth, 14. Ward, Col. George T., 72, 131. Description given by Gen. Early, 79-82. Warley, Lieutenant, 186. Warren, General, 439. Washington, Gen., George, 128, 226. Watson, Dr. James L., 613. Waul, —, 347. Webb, Lt. W. A., 165, 172. Webb (ram). Capture of the Indianola, 202-03. Weber, Gen., Max, 82. Webster, Colonel, 50. Weehawken (ironclad), 172. Wells, Gov. of La., 638-39. Wesley, John, 201. West Virginia. Formation, 255-57. Admission to U. S., 256. Westfield (gunboat), 196, 197. Westover, 130, 261, 269, 270. Wharton, General, 37, 450, 452, 453, 454. Wheaton, —, 227. Excerpt from his book on international law, 138-39. Wheeler, General, 325, 359, 360-61, 470, 472, 475, 483-84, 530, 534, 538, 597. White, Colonel, 370. Jack W., 200. House, Va., 128-29. Whitfield, General, 327. Whiting, General, 79, 101, 106, 109, 110, 11
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