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John Harrison Wilson, The life of Charles Henry Dana 59 5 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 56 28 Browse Search
Edward Alfred Pollard, The lost cause; a new Southern history of the War of the Confederates ... Drawn from official sources and approved by the most distinguished Confederate leaders. 56 10 Browse Search
William F. Fox, Lt. Col. U. S. V., Regimental Losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865: A Treatise on the extent and nature of the mortuary losses in the Union regiments, with full and exhaustive statistics compiled from the official records on file in the state military bureaus and at Washington 49 5 Browse Search
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War. 41 33 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2. 40 4 Browse Search
Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 35 17 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Grant in peace: from Appomattox to Mount McGregor, a personal memoir 34 4 Browse Search
John Dimitry , A. M., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 10.1, Louisiana (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 31 1 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 30 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A.. You can also browse the collection for Meade or search for Meade in all documents.

Your search returned 32 results in 12 document sections:

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Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Appendix: the testimony of letters. (search)
fficer, who was also in the battle, told him that your charge was more serious than you or our people seemed to be aware of,--that you really had passed in rear of Meade's headquarters and that Meade and his staff would certainly have been your prisoners had you been supported on your right, so that you could have held the ground yMeade and his staff would certainly have been your prisoners had you been supported on your right, so that you could have held the ground you had taken. The officer pointed out the house in which Meade and his staff, virtually for the time (you held the heights) your prisoners, were at the time you made the assault, and that it was in the rear of your position; that it was indeed a crisis with the Federals. D. F. Boyd, Supt. In his manuscript, General Early refMeade and his staff, virtually for the time (you held the heights) your prisoners, were at the time you made the assault, and that it was in the rear of your position; that it was indeed a crisis with the Federals. D. F. Boyd, Supt. In his manuscript, General Early refers to his order for the burning of Chambersburg; this I do not find, but in an article in the Richmond State, June 22nd, 1887, he makes this statement: The act was done in retaliation for outrages committed by General David Hunter in the Valley of Virginia. I thought it was time to try and stop this mode of warfare by so
Jubal Anderson Early, Ruth Hairston Early, Lieutenant General Jubal A. Early , C. S. A., Index. (search)
, 38-42, 44, 46, 48, 74, 75, 92, 103, 119, 122 McGowan's Brigade, 355 McGuire, Surgeon H., 215, 217, 464, 473, 476 McLaws, General, 60, 76, 132-33, 135- 36-37, 147, 149, 152, 154-55, 158, 163, 194-95, 197, 211-12, 216, 218, 220, 225-26-27, 230-31, 233, 236, 342 McLean's Farm, 6, 12, 16 McLean's Ford, 5, 15, 17, 18, 20, 31, 52, 53 McLean's House, 6, 7, 10, 16 McNeil, Captain, 333-34-35, 337-38, 460 McNeil, Lieutenant, Jesse, 461 McRae, General, 47, 60, 62, 70-71-72 Meade, General (U. S. A.), 267, 271, 275-76-77, 282, 284, 285, 297, 302-03-04-05, 307, 317, 318, 324- 325, 341, 343, 478 Mechanicsville, 76, 361, 362 Meem's Bottom, 454 Merritt's Division (U. S. A.), 457 Merry Oaks, 361 Middle Department, 418, 419 Middle Military Division, 344, 417, 418 Middle Mountain, 331 Middle River, 366, 368 Middle Road, 369, 433, 436 Middletown, 75, 135, 264, 266, 368-69, 386, 397-98, 414, 444, 446, 447, 453 Miles' Division (U. S. A.), 31, 44, 137
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