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Browsing named entities in Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies.. You can also browse the collection for Lewis Grant or search for Lewis Grant in all documents.

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Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 10: Sherman's Army. (search)
estern men in our own army. There seemed to be a settled dislike to us, latent at least, among Sherman's men. In a certain class their manner was contemptuous and bullying. They threatened to come over and burst us up, and clean us out. Some directed their objurgations upon the whole East, --the Yankees generally; and more against the Army of the Potomac in particular. You couldn't fight. --You are babies and hospital cats. --We did all the marching and all the fighting. --We had to send Grant and Sheridan up to teach you how to fight. --Lee licked you, and was running away to get something to eat, poor fellow. --You wouldn't have caught him if we hadn't marched two thousand miles to drive him into the trap. On some of these points we might be a little tender; though on the whole we thought the charge a perversion of fact. But we had some Bowery boys and Fire Zouaves in our army too; and what they wanted was to get at these Sherman's Bummers and settle the question in their o
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 11: the disbandment. (search)
ught, although it brought honor rather than injury to the Fifth Corps. Why did Grant leave the front of Meade and the Army of the Potomac where the principal negotiy outside inquirers was whether from our observation and experience we regarded Grant as a great general,--particularly in comparison with Lee. While our opinion couup our opinion of the title to it on the part of the two opposing generals. Grant was a strategist; he was not an economist. He saw what was to be done, and he to victory. He seemed to rely on sheer force, rather than skillful manoeuvre. Grant kept his own counsel, almost to the extent of stolidity. He was rather criticaade for his executive officer. But for all this, and perhaps because of it, Grant was necessary to bring that war to a close, whether by triumph of force or exhaconfirmation of a new world in its service to mankind and the purposes of God. Grant was a chosen minister of the Divine will, and in a manner was the responsible a
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Military order of the Loyal Legion of the United States: headquarters Commandery of the State of Maine. (search)
fields of great deeds in this world, sows seed broadcast for the food of the creative powers of the mind. What glorified tenderness that courtly act has added to the scene! How it, and the courage of both armies, Lee's character and tragic lot, Grant's magnanimity and Chamberlain's chivalry, have lifted the historic event up to a lofty, hallowed summit for all people. I firmly believe that Heaven ordained that the end of that epochmaking struggle should not be characterized by the sapless, dmendation. In the last action, the 9th of April, his command had the advance, and was driving the enemy rapidly before it when the announcement of General Lee's surrender was made. The recommendation was cordially approved by Generals Meade and Grant and forwarded to Washington where assurances were given that the promotion should be made. The limitations of this memorial permit only the mere outline of General Chamberlain's services. It would require a volume to do them justice. Much i
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