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Malvern Hill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
ss, continued to fall back until he reached Malvern Hill, which strong position he held in force. G Cold Harbor, (Gaines's Mill,) June 27, and Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862. Fourth brigade, Brigadie General Lee near a church a few miles from Malvern Hill. Whiting's division was turned off the roand.) regiment.Cold Harbor, June 27, 1862.Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862.Grand Total. Killed.Wounded. Battles of Cold Harbor, June 27, 1862, and Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862. battle of Cold Harbor, Jnce, I found the enemy in line of battle on Malvern Hill. I was near enough to hear loud and prolon. Privates White, Whitehead, and Hudson, at Malvern Hill — all three wounded. Company K. Private Lee that the guns lost in the engagement at Malvern Hill, on the thirtieth of June, belonged to a Nothe night on the roadside, just in front of Malvern Hill, on its arms. The next day, July second, s find enclosed. On the first of July, at Malvern Hill, we were placed in line with the other regi[77 more...]
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
Brigadier General Ransom (six regiments of North Carolina troops) joined me, by your order, and werethe left of the Tenth Louisiana. Parts of North Carolina and Mississippi regiments were formed on tther troops came up, and in concert with a North Carolina and a Georgia regiment, the Fourteenth madof the following named regiments, all from North Carolina: Twenty-fourth, Colonel Clarke; Twenty-fif Colonels Clark and Ramseur's regiments of North Carolina troops, ordered up by General Ransom, and , supported by Colonels Clark and Ransom's North Carolina troops, to advance and regain the centre o-eighth of June, after a forced march from North Carolina, where I had been on duty. I was direct men, partly from Virginia and partly from North Carolina, be disbanded as an infantry battalion, an wounded. Did good service. Brem's Battery.N. Carolina.112796 4 2Good. Needs drilling.Near Peters Captain T. H. Brem, was the only one from North Carolina in the battle, and lost no guns at all. Si
Kanawha (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
tery of artillery, supported by the Forty-fourth Alabama regiment, to protect the junction of the New road with the Charles City road, and directed Brigadier-General Wright to proceed at daylight, June thirtieth, down the New road, to find the enemy, and guard our left flank, and the main body to proceed down the Charles City road. The troops bivouacked in their position while it was dark, and skirmishers and pickets to the left of the Charles City road, until I reached what was called the New road, and then down that road as far as might be necessary. That night, twenty-ninth June, I received orders to move my brigade at daylight next morning across to the New road, about one and a half miles to the north of the Charles City road, and running parallel to it, and follow down that roag of the thirtieth of June, I moved my brigade across the woods and fields, until I fell into the New road, near Hobson's house. Here I learned that the enemy, in considerable force, under General K
Ashcake (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
twenty-sixth, in pursuance of instructions from the commanding general, I took up the line of march for Cold Harbor, Whiting's division in front. Pursuing the Ashcake road, we crossed the Central Railroad about ten A. M. Approaching the Tottopotomy Creek, the Federal pickets crossed to the south side of the stream, and partiallnce of Major-General Jackson's corps, which it had temporarily reenforced. After passing the advanced line of videttes, the march was conducted cautiously by the Ashcake road, the Texans leading, with skirmishers deployed. At ten A. M., crossed the Central Railroad, driving the enemy's cavalry scouts, discovered an advanced post er General Jackson's advance guard had reached the neighborhood of Ashland, a company of the Eighth Illinois cavalry drove in my videttes from the point where the Ashcake road crossed the Telegraph road. I ordered Lieutenant Smith, of the Black Horse cavalry, Fourth Virginia, with seventeen men, to drive the enemy back. He charge
Drewry's Bluff (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
ers from the commanding General, I took up my line of march for Drewry's Bluff, leaving General Wise at Chaffin's. Since then, nothing of inteRiver: Agreeable to orders from Major-General Holmes, I left Drewry's Bluff on the twenty-ninth, with my command, consisting of my own regi, about six o'clock, we received orders to march immediately to Drewry's Bluff. I took up the march immediately, recrossed the river at the pontoon bridge early in the morning, and reached Drewry's Bluff about half past 8, A. M. I am, Major, very respectfully, Your obedient see o'clock, orders were received for the brigade to move back to Drewry's Bluff. After a fatiguing march through a drenching rain and muddy roral Ransom. headquarters Second brigade, Department N. C., Drewry's Bluff, July 19, 1862. Assistant Adjutant-General, General Huger's Divn Hill. headquarters Second brigade, Holmes's division, Drewry's Bluff, Va., July 11, 1862. Colonel S. S. Anderson, Assistant Adjutant-G
Cherokee, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
ents of the twenty-seventh of June and first of July. On the twenty-seventh of June, while our regiment was on picket, five companies being immediately on the outposts, with the rest as reserve, composed of the following companies: Company F, Cherokee Brown Rifles; company C, Semmes Guards; company D, Burke Sharpshooters; company H, Wright Infantry, and company I, Buena Vista Guards, were ordered by Colonel Butts forward to the picket line, two hundred yards beyond the Garnett house to the left, to open fire upon the enemy's pickets. On arriving upon the line, Colonel Butts gave me command of company C, Semmes Guards, commanded by Captain Shepperd, and company F, Cherokee Brown Rifles, Captain Shuford, and ordered me to take those two companies sixty yards to the right and march them to the edge of the woods looking out upon the wheat-field; when in that position, to open fire upon the enemy. I did so at the time I halted them. A regiment of the enemy stationed in line opposite u
Ripley (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
neral A. P. Hill was then hotly engaged about the town, and my leading brigade (Ripley's) was pushed forward to his support. The Yankees were beginning to retreat acbeen roughly handled, who told me that, with the assistance of two regiments of Ripley's brigade, he could turn the position at Ellison's Mill by the right, while two and the Forty-eighth Georgia were less exposed than the other two regiments of Ripley's brigade, and, in consequence, suffered less severely ; but Major Savage, of tenemy. The Forty-eighth Georgia and the fragments of the Forty-fourth Georgia (Ripley's brigade) were thus thrown into the rear. The Sixth and Twenty-seventh Georgiorced back. The gallant and accomplished Mears, Third North Carolina regiment, Ripley's brigade, had fallen at the head of his regiment, and that brigade was streamih North Carolina regiment. list of casualties.  Killed.Wounded.Missing. Ripley's brigade,16473130 Garland's, brigade,19263712 Rodes's, brigade,1224400 Ande
Bowling Green, Wood County, Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
he was picketing the Telegraph road, leading to Fredericksburg, and scouting in that direction. I then sent a Lieutenant and nine men from Major Critcher's battalion, down the road, with Captain McChestney's picket, to go in the direction of Bowling Green, by a road running parallel with the Telegraph road, and leading to that place. I then proceeded on to Beaver Dam, and found the road had been repaired, ready for the passage of trains. I halted my command to ascertain something of the coseventh so severely that he had to be left at the doctor's house. I here learned that the enemy were in pretty strong force down the Telegraph road, about three miles. I then proceeded up this road in the direction of a cross-road leading to Bowling Green; but before reaching that point, was informed that the party guarding that road had been run in by the enemy that evening, and that they were in considerable force upon the other road. I went on to the forks of the road, and finding no pic
Carolina City (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
, two hundred and ninety-one. Some of those reported as wounded have since died. I have heard of the deaths of Captain Owens, Sergeant Franks, and Albert Boyce, and I greatly fear that others have and that many will still die. The honored and lamented dead have laid down their lives in a just cause — defending their country from invasion, and their homes from pollution. They died gallantly. Their names will be embalmed in history as martyrs of liberty, and added to the long roll of Carolina's heroes. I have been greatly indebted to Surgeon Hunt, and Assistant-Surgeon Youngblood, and their assistants, for their indefatigable attention to the numerous wounded. Hoping that the General will be satisfied with the conduct of the regiment, I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. Mcgowan, Colonel Fourteenth Regiment S. C. Vols. Report of Colonel Brockenbrough. camp Fortieth Virginia regiment, July 24, 1862. Captain: I have the honor to submit the follo
South Mills (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 86
in, very respectfully, Your most obedient servant, Benjamin Huger, Major-General commanding Division. falling Creek, July 21, 1862. General R. E. Lee commanding: General: In forwarding my reports of the different engagements of the division which I commanded, I have to request of you, as a reward to the regiments who most distinguished themselves, that an order be given authorizing the following regiments to inscribe on their banners as follows: 1. The Third Georgia volunteers, South Mills. 2. The First Louisiana volunteers, King's School-house. 3. The Fourth Georgia volunteers, King's School-house. 4. The Twenty-fifth North Carolina volunteers, King's School-house. 5. The Forty-ninth Virginia volunteers, King School house. The whole division was sent forward in the battle at Malvern Hill, on first of July; but as the brigades were sent to report to other commanders, I am unable to make a special report of that action. I remain, very respectfully, Your
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