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Lenoirs (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
had conferred with General Wilson, of Grant's staff, and with Mr. Dana, of the War Department, whom Grant had sent to him for this purpose; and decided that he could better carry out Grant's views, by drawing Longstreet further away from the rebel army at Chattanooga, than by checking him at Loudon. Early on the morning of the 15th, therefore, Burnside withdrew from Loudon, and fell back leisurely in the direction of Knoxville, the trains being sent in advance. That night, he encamped at Lenoir; on the 16th, he again started for Knoxville, by way of Campbell's station. But, by this time, Longstreet had crossed the Tennessee, on a pontoon bridge brought up to Loudon; and, taking a shorter road, which Burnside ought to have held, endeavored to reach Campbell's station first, and thus cut off the national forces from Knoxville. Burnside had, with him, only about five thousand troops, and, making a forced march, he succeeded in reaching Campbell's station first; and at once took step
West Point (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
till the 3d of March. Smith had not started from Memphis till the 11th of February, a delay which Sherman pronounced unpardonable; he advanced only as far as West Point, and turned back on the 22d, before a force inferior to his own; his orders having been peremptory to fight any cavalry he met. His march back to Memphis was too rapid for a good effect, and he was closely followed by Forrest's cavalry, before whom he had retreated at West Point. He reported having destroyed thirty miles of railroad, and great stores of cotton and corn; also the capture of two hundred prisoners and three thousand horses; but he entirely failed to accomplish the object oSherman dismissed Smith's part of the operation with these words: General Smith had not started from Memphis at all, till the 11th of February, had only reached West Point, and turned back on the 22d, the march back to Memphis being too rapid for a good effect. His losses were not reported, but were probably slight. Sherman, ho
Jackson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
rom Vicksburg to Meridian, one hundred and fifty miles. Sherman left Vicksburg, on the 3d of February, with two columns under Hurlbut and McPherson; he reached Jackson on the 5th, after continuous skirmishing for eighteen miles, driving a force estimated at twelve thousand soldiers, under Loring and French. This command was marching to form a junction at Jackson All my statements of the rebel strength and movements, as well as of Sherman's operations, during the Meridian raid, are taken from Sherman's report. I have seen no rebel official report of the campaign. with Lee's cavalry, supposed to be four thousand strong; but the rapidity of Sherman's moour the whole region in search of Smith. On the 23d, the two infantry columns came together, at Hillsboro, after which, they marched, by separate roads, to the Pearl river. On the 26th, they bivouacked at Canton, to which place Winslow had been directed to lead Sooy Smith's command. Winslow was there, but had got no tidings of S
Abingdon, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
ir country; a meed which their country did not fail to bestow. Grant had given all his generals in East Tennessee repeated and positive orders to drive Longstreet's army completely out of the state. His whole plan was, either to annihilate that command, or to place it where it could do no further mischief to any part of his military division. On the 30th of November, he said to Foster, then at Cumberland gap: If Longstreet is retreating up the valley, would it not be well to strike for Abingdon? To Sherman, on the 1st of December, he wrote: When you start upon your return to this place, after it is known that East Tennessee is cleared of all formidable bodies of the enemy, etc. To Foster, on the 2d: Sherman will reach Knoxville to-morrow, or the day following. His force is large, and Longstreet must retreat before it, without much fighting. I do not see how his route can be any other than up the valley. You will, no doubt, be able to inflict a heavy blow upon his retreating c
Michigan (Michigan, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
at the salient, to pick off the rebels when they approached. In about twenty minutes, the cannonading ceased, and a fire of musketry was opened by the enemy; at the same time, a heavy column, which had been concentrated during the night, charged on the bastion, at a run. Great numbers fell, in passing over the entanglements; but the weight of the column was such as to force forward the advance; and, in two or three minutes, it had reached the ditch and attempted to scale the parapet. The Michigan soldiers, in the ditch, at once ran back on each side of the salient; and the national guns opened on the rebels with triple rounds of canister; while the infantry either shot or knocked back with their muskets, all those whose heads appeared above the parapet. The forces placed on the flanks of the fort had also a cross-fire on the ground over which the enemy approached. The rebels, in utter confusion, strove to return, but the first column of attack was speedily reenforced by a second
Tunnel Hill (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
umors came thick, to the rebel leader, of a battle at Chattanooga, and, finally, reports that Bragg had fallen back to Tunnel hill. Longstreet at once determined to assault the works of Knoxville. He considered, that in the event of Bragg's defeatut on the 29th, and caused the enemy, now commanded by Joseph E. Johnston, who had succeeded Hardee, to fall back from Tunnel hill. On the 1st of February, it was learned that a whole division and a brigade had been sent from Johnston, in the dire last Monday, to demonstrate against Dalton, to prevent forces being sent from there against Sherman. Our troops have Tunnel hill. Longstreet, at the same time, made a retrograde movement, and Schofield started immediately in pursuit. On the 25th, Thomas reported to Grant, from Tunnel hill: Davis and Johnson (two of his division commanders) occupy the pass at Buzzard's roost. They have a force equal to theirs in their front, who outnumber them in artillery. It is not possible to carry th
Morgantown (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
y miles, and the roads execrable. Before dawn, the cavalry was off, and at daylight, the Fifteenth corps turned from Philadelphia to the Little Tennessee, at Morgantown, expecting to find a ford. But the river was too deep, and the water freezing cold; the width was two hundred and forty yards. A bridge was indispensable. Theere no pioneers, and only such tools as axes, picks, and spades; but a bridge was constructed, with cribwork and trestles made of the houses of the late town of Morgantown; and, by dark, of December 4th, troops and animals were passing. The Fifteenth corps was across before daylight; but the bridge broke, and Granger's corps withe north bank of the Holston. This movement was unmolested by Burnside, and was made in remarkably good order. Sherman, meanwhile, had repaired the bridge at Morgantown, and marched to Marysville; Howard constructing a bridge out of the rebel wagons left at Loudon, over which he crossed his men. On the 5th, all the heads of col
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
t had been ordered, some days before, to send back Wheeler's cavalry to Bragg's army; but, at the moment of raising the siege, he judged it unsafe to obey; finding, however, that he was not hard pressed, he dismissed his cavalry, on the 8th, to Georgia, and marched himself for Rogersville. His column reached that place on the 9th. Here, he discovered that the resources of the country were abundant to subsist him for the winter, and sent out his trains to collect provisions. Receiving discre than a thousand miles. Thomas, at the centre, was confronting Johnston, Schofield was balancing Longstreet; and in order to distract the rebels, and thus relieve East Tennessee, as well as to secure the safety of the contemplated movement into Georgia, during the ensuing spring, Sherman was ordered to advance into the interior of Mississippi, hundreds of miles from either of the armies that were cooperating with him. Brigadier-General William Sooy Smith was at this time placed in command o
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): chapter 14
own as the Meridian raid. On the 23d, he said to Halleck: I am now collecting as large a cavalry force as can be spared, at Savannah, Tennessee, to cross the Tennessee river, and cooperate with the cavalry from Hurlbut's command, in clearing out entirely the forces now collecting in West Tennessee, under Forrest. It is the designcure to be that from Chattanooga to Mobile; Montgomery and Atlanta being the important intermediate points. To do this, large supplies must be secured on the Tennessee river, so as to be independent of the railroad from here (Nashville) to the Tennessee, for a considerable length of time. Mobile would be a second base. The destrus from Mississippi, and in clearing that section of all large bodies of rebel troops. . . . I do not look upon any points, except Mobile in the south, and the Tennessee river in the north, as presenting practicable starting-points from which to operate against Atlanta and Montgomery. Grant then went on to say: hey are objectiona
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 14
success of Longstreet Longstreet winters in Tennessee disappointment of Grant Grant proposes movow. Grant had given all his generals in East Tennessee repeated and positive orders to drive Longred, than that this corps should remain in East Tennessee. There, all winter, Longstreet did remainf Sherman's column a week or two longer in East Tennessee would, undoubtedly, have obviated this dis Longstreet to come to a stop within the state of Tennessee, after the siege was raised. My instrucblame for the existing state of affairs in East Tennessee. On the 7th of December, Grant announcered that Longstreet was likely to winter in Tennessee. On the 17th, he said: I feel deeply intere, with the fact that Longstreet's force in East Tennessee makes it necessary for me to keep ready a e probability that no active operations in East Tennessee would be undertaken before the opening of n favor of Sherman, and also on affairs in East Tennessee. I regret you cannot go. On the 21st: Do[9 more...]
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