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S. S. Hankins (search for this): chapter 1.62
Valley campaign. Captains.—G. E. Geddy, dead; James H. Allen, wounded; L. W. Lane, wounded. Lieutenants.—M. A. Meanley, dead; Andrew Hockaday; George E. Bush, dead; C. W. Hubbard, killed; J. F. Hubbard; E. M. Ware, wounded and prisoner, dead; J. W. Morecock, killed. Sergeants.—G. E. Richardson, wounded—sabre cut—and prisoner; R. H. Whitaker, dead; J. T. James, dead; G. B. Ratcliffe, dead; M. R. Harrell, wounded, Felix Pierce, dead; R. E. Taylor; John Cowles, dead. Corporals.—S. S. Hankins, prisoner; D. W. Spencer; G. A. Piggott, dead; C. W. Cowles, wounded—sabre cut—and prisoner, dead; G. W. Tyree; J. W. Manning, dead. Privates.—Richard Apperson, unknown; G. W. Bacon;——Ball, unknown; J. H. Barnes, prisoner; Basil B. Bennett, unknown; E. F. Blair, wounded, dead; Frank Bowden; W. T. Boswell, wounded, dead; William Burke, R. H. Bush; G. R. N. B. Bush, prisoner; C. W. Coleman, dead; P. T. Cowles, prisoner; D. S. Coles, dead; W. T. Coles, Tom Davis; S. S. Edw
B. C. Harwood (search for this): chapter 1.62
Richard Apperson, unknown; G. W. Bacon;——Ball, unknown; J. H. Barnes, prisoner; Basil B. Bennett, unknown; E. F. Blair, wounded, dead; Frank Bowden; W. T. Boswell, wounded, dead; William Burke, R. H. Bush; G. R. N. B. Bush, prisoner; C. W. Coleman, dead; P. T. Cowles, prisoner; D. S. Coles, dead; W. T. Coles, Tom Davis; S. S. Edwards, dead; Sylvanus Edwards, dead; G. H. Enos, wounded; Jerry Garnett, Joe Garnett, Robert Garnett; F. W. Hammond, dead; T. W. Hankins, dead; Charles Hansford, B. C. Harwood, John Hicks, Oliver Hockaday, dead; Gustavus Hope, J. W. Hubbard, G. W. James, wounded, dead; ——Jeter, unknown; J. P. Johnson, B. A. Marston, dead; J. W. Marston, T. P. Marston, D. W. Marston, M. J. Martin, dead; M. Mattingly, dead; George Meanley, dead; ——Moon, Wm. Mountcastle, George Mountcastle, John Mountcastle;—— Muir, killed; F. C. Newman, dead; Archer Pamplin, unknown; Sam. Pettit, killed; W. M. Pierce, N. D. Piggott, dead; Hamilton Richardson, killed; C. H. Richardson, G
J. W. Morecock (search for this): chapter 1.62
jor B. B. Douglas once remarked to me: Your company illustrates the fact that educated gentlemen always make good soldiers. This company was a close follower of Rosser, Fitz. Lee, Payne, Lomax, and Stuart, and was a sufferer with Early in his Valley campaign. Captains.—G. E. Geddy, dead; James H. Allen, wounded; L. W. Lane, wounded. Lieutenants.—M. A. Meanley, dead; Andrew Hockaday; George E. Bush, dead; C. W. Hubbard, killed; J. F. Hubbard; E. M. Ware, wounded and prisoner, dead; J. W. Morecock, killed. Sergeants.—G. E. Richardson, wounded—sabre cut—and prisoner; R. H. Whitaker, dead; J. T. James, dead; G. B. Ratcliffe, dead; M. R. Harrell, wounded, Felix Pierce, dead; R. E. Taylor; John Cowles, dead. Corporals.—S. S. Hankins, prisoner; D. W. Spencer; G. A. Piggott, dead; C. W. Cowles, wounded—sabre cut—and prisoner, dead; G. W. Tyree; J. W. Manning, dead. Privates.—Richard Apperson, unknown; G. W. Bacon;——Ball, unknown; J. H. Barnes, prisoner; Basil B.
Archer Pamplin (search for this): chapter 1.62
. H. Enos, wounded; Jerry Garnett, Joe Garnett, Robert Garnett; F. W. Hammond, dead; T. W. Hankins, dead; Charles Hansford, B. C. Harwood, John Hicks, Oliver Hockaday, dead; Gustavus Hope, J. W. Hubbard, G. W. James, wounded, dead; ——Jeter, unknown; J. P. Johnson, B. A. Marston, dead; J. W. Marston, T. P. Marston, D. W. Marston, M. J. Martin, dead; M. Mattingly, dead; George Meanley, dead; ——Moon, Wm. Mountcastle, George Mountcastle, John Mountcastle;—— Muir, killed; F. C. Newman, dead; Archer Pamplin, unknown; Sam. Pettit, killed; W. M. Pierce, N. D. Piggott, dead; Hamilton Richardson, killed; C. H. Richardson, G. W. Richardson, Walter Shackford, killed; Sydney Smith, dead; Tom Sparrow, unknown; R. M. Spencer, killed; G. W. Stewart, dead; W. M. Taylor, Cyrus Tyree, dead; W. B. Vaiden, Algernon Vaiden, dead; Vulosko Vaiden, prisoner, dead; Robert Warburton, dead: Southey Ward, unknown; H. B. Warren, Watkins Warren, unknown; Robert Watkins, R. C. Whitaker, dead; G. W. Whitaker, R.
Samuel Wooten (search for this): chapter 1.62
lin, unknown; Sam. Pettit, killed; W. M. Pierce, N. D. Piggott, dead; Hamilton Richardson, killed; C. H. Richardson, G. W. Richardson, Walter Shackford, killed; Sydney Smith, dead; Tom Sparrow, unknown; R. M. Spencer, killed; G. W. Stewart, dead; W. M. Taylor, Cyrus Tyree, dead; W. B. Vaiden, Algernon Vaiden, dead; Vulosko Vaiden, prisoner, dead; Robert Warburton, dead: Southey Ward, unknown; H. B. Warren, Watkins Warren, unknown; Robert Watkins, R. C. Whitaker, dead; G. W. Whitaker, R. C. Whitaker, dead; G. M. Whitaker, A. B. Willis, killed; Sam. Wooten, wounded; Tom Wynne, dead. Notes. Casualties: Killed,8 Wounded,10 Prisoners,8 — Total,26 — Dead,44 Living,45 Unknown,8 — Total,97 Promotions outside of the Company: James H. Allen, lieutenant-colonel. E. M. Ware, captain Confederate States Army. Dr. C. W. Coleman, surgeon Confederate States Army. Dr. Watkins Warren, surgeon Confederate States Navy. Dr. R. H. Bush, surgeon Confederate States
rounding sounds and scenes. E. M. Ware and C. W. Hubbard ventured up to the banquet-hall, and brought the information that the house was full of dancing officers and women. But we were afraid to make arrests lest an outcry be raised. While waiting for reinforcements, a Federal surgeon—the lightning told us what he was—rode up to us. He was rushed to the rear, with orders not to say a word. He was splendidly mounted, and oh, how I wished to exchange my outfit for his. Stuart, Fitz. Lee, Roony Lee and Rosser all came up together. Orders were speedily given for the attack, Rosser to charge straight ahead and to tear up the railroad-track, but no axes had been prepared for this work. Suppose they had been, who can tell what would have been the result? Rosser headed his men in the charge, but before they had gone a hundred yards the whole regiment was floundering in a railroad-cut filled with water. This difficulty was overcome, but we had to undergo a still worse one on the east s
M. Mattingly (search for this): chapter 1.62
isoner; C. W. Coleman, dead; P. T. Cowles, prisoner; D. S. Coles, dead; W. T. Coles, Tom Davis; S. S. Edwards, dead; Sylvanus Edwards, dead; G. H. Enos, wounded; Jerry Garnett, Joe Garnett, Robert Garnett; F. W. Hammond, dead; T. W. Hankins, dead; Charles Hansford, B. C. Harwood, John Hicks, Oliver Hockaday, dead; Gustavus Hope, J. W. Hubbard, G. W. James, wounded, dead; ——Jeter, unknown; J. P. Johnson, B. A. Marston, dead; J. W. Marston, T. P. Marston, D. W. Marston, M. J. Martin, dead; M. Mattingly, dead; George Meanley, dead; ——Moon, Wm. Mountcastle, George Mountcastle, John Mountcastle;—— Muir, killed; F. C. Newman, dead; Archer Pamplin, unknown; Sam. Pettit, killed; W. M. Pierce, N. D. Piggott, dead; Hamilton Richardson, killed; C. H. Richardson, G. W. Richardson, Walter Shackford, killed; Sydney Smith, dead; Tom Sparrow, unknown; R. M. Spencer, killed; G. W. Stewart, dead; W. M. Taylor, Cyrus Tyree, dead; W. B. Vaiden, Algernon Vaiden, dead; Vulosko Vaiden, prisoner, dead;
J. W. Marston (search for this): chapter 1.62
, wounded, dead; William Burke, R. H. Bush; G. R. N. B. Bush, prisoner; C. W. Coleman, dead; P. T. Cowles, prisoner; D. S. Coles, dead; W. T. Coles, Tom Davis; S. S. Edwards, dead; Sylvanus Edwards, dead; G. H. Enos, wounded; Jerry Garnett, Joe Garnett, Robert Garnett; F. W. Hammond, dead; T. W. Hankins, dead; Charles Hansford, B. C. Harwood, John Hicks, Oliver Hockaday, dead; Gustavus Hope, J. W. Hubbard, G. W. James, wounded, dead; ——Jeter, unknown; J. P. Johnson, B. A. Marston, dead; J. W. Marston, T. P. Marston, D. W. Marston, M. J. Martin, dead; M. Mattingly, dead; George Meanley, dead; ——Moon, Wm. Mountcastle, George Mountcastle, John Mountcastle;—— Muir, killed; F. C. Newman, dead; Archer Pamplin, unknown; Sam. Pettit, killed; W. M. Pierce, N. D. Piggott, dead; Hamilton Richardson, killed; C. H. Richardson, G. W. Richardson, Walter Shackford, killed; Sydney Smith, dead; Tom Sparrow, unknown; R. M. Spencer, killed; G. W. Stewart, dead; W. M. Taylor, Cyrus Tyree, dead; W. B
George E. Bush (search for this): chapter 1.62
t recruits than it was to gain them. It never lost a man by transfer, and only one by exchange. Major B. B. Douglas once remarked to me: Your company illustrates the fact that educated gentlemen always make good soldiers. This company was a close follower of Rosser, Fitz. Lee, Payne, Lomax, and Stuart, and was a sufferer with Early in his Valley campaign. Captains.—G. E. Geddy, dead; James H. Allen, wounded; L. W. Lane, wounded. Lieutenants.—M. A. Meanley, dead; Andrew Hockaday; George E. Bush, dead; C. W. Hubbard, killed; J. F. Hubbard; E. M. Ware, wounded and prisoner, dead; J. W. Morecock, killed. Sergeants.—G. E. Richardson, wounded—sabre cut—and prisoner; R. H. Whitaker, dead; J. T. James, dead; G. B. Ratcliffe, dead; M. R. Harrell, wounded, Felix Pierce, dead; R. E. Taylor; John Cowles, dead. Corporals.—S. S. Hankins, prisoner; D. W. Spencer; G. A. Piggott, dead; C. W. Cowles, wounded—sabre cut—and prisoner, dead; G. W. Tyree; J. W. Manning, dead. Priva
C. W. Hubbard (search for this): chapter 1.62
e did not know when to expect our support. Sounds of revelry. Near by us sounds of revelry broke upon our ears, and the music of the violin and the tread of the dancers oddly mixed with the surrounding sounds and scenes. E. M. Ware and C. W. Hubbard ventured up to the banquet-hall, and brought the information that the house was full of dancing officers and women. But we were afraid to make arrests lest an outcry be raised. While waiting for reinforcements, a Federal surgeon—the lightnitz. Lee, Payne, Lomax, and Stuart, and was a sufferer with Early in his Valley campaign. Captains.—G. E. Geddy, dead; James H. Allen, wounded; L. W. Lane, wounded. Lieutenants.—M. A. Meanley, dead; Andrew Hockaday; George E. Bush, dead; C. W. Hubbard, killed; J. F. Hubbard; E. M. Ware, wounded and prisoner, dead; J. W. Morecock, killed. Sergeants.—G. E. Richardson, wounded—sabre cut—and prisoner; R. H. Whitaker, dead; J. T. James, dead; G. B. Ratcliffe, dead; M. R. Harrell, wounde
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