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e in, there is a delay in getting the expedition off. I hope they will be ready to start by the 7th, and that Bragg will not have started back by that time. On the 4th, he said to Butler: I feel great anxiety to see the Wilmington expedition off, both on account of the present fine weather, which we can expect no great continuance stockades, as well as a train of cars on the Chattanooga railroad, and reported two hundred and sixty prisoners. So secure, indeed, did Hood now feel, that, on the 4th, he ordered Forrest to move with two divisions of cavalry, nearly his entire force, The enemy still holding Murfreesboroa with some 6,000 troops, Major-General Fesboroa, thirty miles away. Forrest started on the morning of the 5th, and Thomas's cavalry force was then far superior to that which remained with Hood. On the 4th, the enemy extended his lines and threw up new works; at the nearest point the rebel skirmishers were now only four hundred yards from Thomas's main works. Citizen
oyed; and the remainder, defeated, disorganized, shattered beyond recovery, was flying in dismay before its conquerors. Thomas had captured, in the same period, thirteen thousand one hundred and eighty-nine prisoners, and seventy-two pieces of serviceable artillery; two thousand deserters had also given themselves up, and taken the oath of allegiance to the government; and when Hood reached Northern Mississippi, a large proportion of his troops were furloughed, and went to their homes. In January he was superseded by General Richard Taylor, and what was left of the rebel army of Tennessee was shortly afterwards transferred to the Atlantic coast, to oppose the advance of Sherman. In all the region between the Mississippi river and Virginia, there was then no formidable organized force to oppose the national armies. Thomas's entire loss, during the campaign, did not exceed ten thousand men, in killed, wounded, and missing; and half of the wounded were speedily able to return to the
strongly held, and therefore feel easy in regard to its safety. Chattanooga, Bridgeport, Stevenson, and Elk river bridge have also been strongly garrisoned. This determination of Thomas to remain on the defensive, after a victory, was in direct opposition to both the judgment and instincts of Grant. He preferred to take advantage of Schofield's success, and to press the enemy at once with the reinforced army, before the influence of defeat was gone. At eleven A. M. on the morning of the 2nd, he telegraphed: If Hood is permitted to remain quietly about Nashville, you will lose all the road back to Chattanooga, and possibly have to abandon the line of the Tennessee. Should he attack you, it is all well; but if he does not, you should attack him before he fortifies. Arm, and put in the trenches, your quartermaster's employes, citizens, etc. The government shared very fully this anxiety of the general-in-chief, and an hour after sending his own despatch to Thomas, Grant receive
January 10th (search for this): chapter 5
out 3 o'clock P. M. General McArthur sent word that he could carry the hill on his right by assault. Major-General Thomas being present, the matter was referred to him, and I was requested to delay the movement until he could hear from General Schofield, to whom he had sent. General McArthur not receiving any reply, and fearing if the attack should be longer delayed, the enemy would use the night to strengthen his works, directed the first brigade to storm the hill.—A. J. Smith's Report, January 10, 1865. The troops pressed on with splendid ardor, sweeping up the hill, through mud and thickets, and over stone walls and earthworks. Powder and lead, said the rebels, could not resist such a charge. Prisoners were taken by the regiment, and artillery, by batteries. Immediately, Smith and Schofield moved their entire commands, and carried everything before them. A panic seized the rebel left; the line was broken irreparably in a dozen places; literally, all the artillery and thousan
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