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Browsing named entities in Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing). You can also browse the collection for 1872 AD or search for 1872 AD in all documents.

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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Oregon, (search)
o be built by the Oregon Central Military Road Company, which builds to the summit of the Cascade Mountains in 1867; the company sells its lands to the Pacific Land Company of San Francisco......1873 Oregon Pioneer Association organized......Oct. 18, 1873 State board of immigration created by law......Oct. 28, 1874 Oregon and Washington Fish Propagating Company incorporated; hatching establishment near Oregon City......April, 1875 University of Oregon at Eugene City, chartered in 1872, is opened......Oct. 18, 1876 Constitutional amendment, that the elective franchise in this State shall not hereafter be prohibited to any citizen on account of sex, passed and approved by the governor......1880 Amendment conferring the suffrage on women is lost; 28,176 votes against to 11,223 in favor......June 2, 1884 Local option bill passed by the legislature......1885 State normal school at Drain created by law......1885 Bill passed creating a State board of agriculture...
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), West Virginia, state of (search)
gislature meets at Wheeling as temporary seat of government by act of Feb. 20, 1875......Nov. 10, 1875 Strike on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad begun at Martinsburg......July 16, 1877 At election held by act of Feb. 21, 1877, to locate the State capital after May 1, 1885, Charleston has 41,288 votes, Clarksburg, 30,812; Martinsburg, 8,049......Aug. 7, 1877 Nathan Goff, Jr., appointed Secretary of the Navy......Jan. 6, 1881 Act striking the word white out of the Woods jury law of 1872-73......1881 Act passed establishing a State board of health......June 11, 1881 West Virginia normal and classical academy at Buckhannon opened......1882 West Virginia Immigration and Development Association organized at Wheeling......Feb. 29, 1888 Returns of election for governor in November, 1888, were: Nathan Goff, Republican, 78,714; A. B. Fleming, Democrat, 78,604. Fleming contests for fraudulent returns, and is declared elected by a party vote of the legislature, 43 to 40..
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Veazey, Wheelock Graves 1835-1898 (search)
Veazey, Wheelock Graves 1835-1898 Lawyer; born in Brentwood, N. H., Dec. 5, 1835; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1859; admitted to the bar in 1860, and began practice in Springfield, Vt.; served in the Civil War in 1861-63; promoted colonel of the 16th Vermont Volunteers in October, 1862; resumed law practice in August, 1863; reporter of the Supreme Court of Vermont in 1864-72; judge of the State Supreme Court in 1879-89; member of the inter-State commerce commission in 1889-97; aided in the founding of the Grand Army of the Republic in Vermont, and was commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic in 1890. He died in Washington, D. C., March 22, 1898.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Vignaud, Jean Henry 1830- (search)
Vignaud, Jean Henry 1830- Diplomatist; born in New Orleans, Nov. 27, 1830; received a fair education; captain of the 6th Louisiana Regiment in 1861-62; secretary of the Confederate diplomatic commission in Paris, in 1863; connected with the Alabama claims commission at Geneva in 1872; appointed first secretary of the American legation in Paris in 1882. He is the author of Critical and bibliographical notices of all voyages which preceded and prepared the discovery of the route to India by Diaz and of America by Columbus.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wales, James Albert 1852-1886 (search)
Wales, James Albert 1852-1886 Cartoonist; born in Clyde, O., Aug. 30, 1852; settled in Cleveland, where he made cartoons for the Ledger during the Presidential campaign of 1872. In the following year he removed to New York, where he became connected with Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper, and afterwards with Puck, for both of which he drew some notable cartoons, especially on the political movements of the day; was one of the founders of the Judge and for several years its principal cartoonist. He died in New York City, Dec. 6, 1886.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wall, James Walter 1820-1872 (search)
Wall, James Walter 1820-1872 Legislator; born in Trenton, N. J., May 26, 1820; graduated at Princeton College in 1838; admitted to the bar in 1841; settled in Burlington, N. J., in 1847; was alleged to have interfered with the liberty of the press during the early part of the Civil War and to have made an offer of 20,000 rifles to the Knights of the Golden circle, to be used against the United States; appointed to fill an unexpired term in the United States Senate, and served from Jan. 21 till March 3, 1863; settled in Elizabeth, N. J., in 1869. He died in Elizabeth, N. J., June 9, 1872.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Warner, Hiram 1802-1881 (search)
Warner, Hiram 1802-1881 Jurist; born in Hampshire county, Mass., Oct. 29, 1802; received an academic education; removed to Georgia in 1819, and taught school there for three years; admitted to the bar and began practice in Knoxville, Ga., in 1825; member of the State House of Representatives in 1828-31; judge of the Superior Court of the State in 1833 and in 1836-40; judge of the Supreme Court of the State in 1845-53; and was elected to Congress in 1855. He was again appointed a judge of the Supreme Court, on the reorganization of the judiciary of the State, and became its chief-justice in 1872. He died in Atlanta, Ga., in 1881.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Warner, Willard 1826- (search)
n 1849; and engaged in mercantile business in Cincinnati, O., in 1852. He was a delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1860. He served through the Civil War; was engaged at Fort Donelson, in the siege of Corinth, the Vicksburg campaign, the march from Vicksburg to Chattanooga, and in the battles of Lookout Mountain, Missionary Ridge, and Ringgold. He was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers in March, 1865, for gallantry; and mustered out of the service in the following July, when he returned to Ohio, served in the State Senate for a year, removed to Alabama in 1867, and engaged in cottonplanting. He was a member of the State legislature in 1868; United States Senator in 1868-71; collector of customs at Mobile, Ala., in 1871-72; and member of the Republican National conventions of 1868 and 1876. In 1873 he organized the Tecumseh Iron Company, of which he was general manager, and became president and manager of the Nashville Iron, Steel, and Charcoal Company in 1887.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), State of Washington, (search)
who had crossed the plains. Before that the only white dwellers were employes of the Hudson Bay Company. Washington Territory was set apart from Oregon by act of Congress, March 2, 1853. When Oregon became a State, Feb. 14, 1859, Congress added to Washington Territory the region between the eastern boundary of that State and the Rocky Mountains, embracing the present State of Idaho and parts of Montana and Wyoming. The San Juan Islands, formerly claimed by Great Britain, were decided, in 1872, by the arbitration of the Emperor of Germany, State seal of Washington. to belong to the United States. Washington was admitted as a State in 1889. Olympia is the capital. The population in 1890 was 349,390; in 1900, 518,103. See United States, Washington, vol. IX. Territorial governors. I. I. Stevensassumes officeNov. 28, 1853 Fayette McMullenassumes officeSeptember, 1857 C. H. Mason, actingassumes officeJuly, 1858 Richard D. Gholsonassumes office1859 Henry M. McGill, acting
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Wesleyan University, (search)
Wesleyan University, A co-educational institution in Middletown, Conn.; founded by the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1830; the oldest college of that denomination in the country. Since 1872 it has been open to students of both sexes. It contains the buildings of North and South colleges, Memorial, Rich, and Judd halls, Observatory Hall, and a gymnasium. It reported in 1900: Professors and instructors, thirty-five; students, 340; number of volumes in the library, 57,000; productive funds, $1,370,840; grounds and buildings valued at $531,300; benefactions, $100,000; income, $99,540; number of graduates, 2,186; president, B. P. Raymond, D. D., Ll.D.
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