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Bread in Danville. --The citizens of Danville, Va., have held two meetings on the subject and formed a joint stock company in order to purchase the necessaries of life. A capital stock of $90,000 has already been subscribed and a board of directors appointed. The company recently purchased 50 barrels of flour from Warwick &Barksdale, at $25 per barrel. These joint stock companies may be resorted to with benefit by all the towns and villages in the Confederacy, especially in Virginia, where the leeches from every State have gathered to suck the life blood of the people.
the Legislature who belong to or hold commissions in the army. The committee report that the impediment has been removed in the case of Lieut.-Col. K. R. Linkous by application to the Secretary of War. There were a large number of resolutions offered, among them the following: By Mr. Pretlow: Of exempting the county of Southampton, and other counties on the confines of the enemy's lines, from complying with the call of the Secretary of War for slaves to work on fortifications. By Mr. Barksdale: Of providing for the payment of the value of slaves impressed by the Confederate States in cases where their deaths have occurred from negligence of the agents of the Confederate States. By Mr. Hunter, of Berkeley: Of furnishing salt to such counties as have not heretofore been furnished under the acts of the Legislature. By Mr. Hutcheson: Of making other and suitable provision for the families of the State's quota of soldiers by giving them an addition to their present pay. By Mr. Go
l Heth slightly wounded. Gen. Pender has since died. This lamented officer has borne a distinguished part in every engagement of this army, and was wounded on several occasions while leading his command with conspicuous gallantry and ability. The confidence and admiration inspired by his courage and capacity as an officer were only equalled by the esteem and respect entertained by all with whom he was associated, for the noble qualities of his modest and unassuming character. Brig. Gens. Barksdale and Garnett were killed, and Brig. Gen. Semmes mortally wounded while leading their troops with the courage that always distinguished them. These brave officers and patriotic gentlemen fell in the faithful discharge of duty, leaving the army to mourn their loss and emulate their noble examples. Brig. Gens. Kemper. Armistead, Scales, G. T. Anderson, Hampton, J. M. Jones, and Jenkins, were also wounded. Brig. Gen. Archer was taken prisoner. Gen. Pettigrew, though wounded at Get
prepared and adopted by that committee, as well as the bill reported by the Legislative committee to put town extortion and protect the men of salaries from the heartless attempts of those traitorous traders who are every day trying to grind them to the very dust. After the adoption of the report of the committee, Mr. Robinson offered the following resolutions, which were adopted. "1. Resolved, That it is with pleasure we have seen a disposition on the part of Messrs. Warwick & Barksdale to relieve the wants of this community by agreeing to sell their flour at the Government price, thus evincing a feeling in consonance with the wishes of the country, engaged as it is for its independence. "2. Resolved, That we duly appreciate the motives of the butchers in their desire to reduce the price of beef, if they are sincere in their professions; but we desire to see everything regulated by law, and not dependent upon the caprice of any class who are dealers in the actual nec
Mississippi election. Meridian, Oct. 7. --It is believed that Clarke is elected Governor. At Enter-prise the vote stood as follows: Clarke, 556; West, 182; Davis, 63. At Meridian the vote was as follows: Clarke, 499; Davis, 105; West, 133. For Congress, in this district, Ren leads Barksdale about 200. Few returns in.
Mississippi election. Meridian, Oct. 9. --General Clarke is elected Governor by a large majority.--He carried every county in the State. A special to the Clarion says that Orvis is elected to Congress in the 1st district and Holden in the 2d. Welsh is reelected in the 3d district and Barksdale in the 6th. McRae is thought to be beaten by Lumpkin in the 7th district.
The Daily Dispatch: October 22, 1863., [Electronic resource], Casualties among General officers on both Sides during the War. (search)
, Cross Keys; Robert Hatton, Fair Oaks; Richard Griffith, Chickahominy; (T G?) Rhett, Chickahominy; C S Winder, Cedar Mountain; R E Garland, South Mountain; L O'B Branch, Antietam; Geo B Anderson, do;--Stark, do; J T Hughes, Lexington; Henry Little, Inka;--Moore,--Martin, Corinth; Maxey Gregg, T R R Cobb, Fred'g; J E Rains, Roger Hanson, Stone River; E F Paxton, Chancellorsville; E D Tracy, Port Gibson; L Tilghman, Champion Hill; Martin E Green, Vicksburg; Wm D Pender, Richard B Garnett. --Barksdale, Paul J Semmes, Gettysburg; J J Pettigrew, Falling Waters; A E Stein, Prairie Grove; B H Helm, P Smith, Chickamauga. Died.--Major-Gens. D E Twiggs, Earl Van Dorn, J S Bowen, D R Jones. Brig-Gens J B Grayson, P St G Cooke, W D Smith, Daniel S Donelson, John B Floyd, T A Flournoy, J B Villipigue, J K Duncan, W H Carroll. Resigned.--Major-Gens M L Bonham, Gus A Smith, George B Crittenden. Brig-Gens T T Fauntleroy, G W Randolph, S C Anderson, Albert Pike, Humphrey Marshall,
Gen. Barksdale. --Among the most distinguished and patriotic heroes who have fallen a victim to the present infamous war of invasion was Gen. Barksdale, of Mississippi. President Davis and Gen. R. E. Lee have paid the fallen hero glowing compliments in letters to his wife, extracts from which are given in the Mississippian. Gen. Barksdale, of Mississippi. President Davis and Gen. R. E. Lee have paid the fallen hero glowing compliments in letters to his wife, extracts from which are given in the Mississippian. In a letter dated July 24th, 1863, the country's Chief Magistrate writes as follows to the widow of Gen. Barksdale: It will hereafter be some consolation to you, as it will be a legacy of honor to his children, to be assured that your gallant husband, my esteemed friend, fell at the post to which honor and duty called him, aGen. Barksdale: It will hereafter be some consolation to you, as it will be a legacy of honor to his children, to be assured that your gallant husband, my esteemed friend, fell at the post to which honor and duty called him, and died, as he had lived, like a patriot and a soldier. To his country he was a great loss — to his friends it brings enduring sorrow — to his family it is an irreparable injury — yet the blow came to him when it was most acceptable and glorious to receive it. God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, and He alone can giv<
ns both at Fredericksburg and at the Bernard House. This they kept up until about nine o'clock, when, having massed their troops in front of Marye's Heights, they buried their columns against the stone-wall — the first time unsuccessfully; for Barksdale, the gallant Mississippian, with his band of heroes, met the shock of battle and nobly buried it back. The enemy pause and resort to artifice. A flag of truce is exhibited, and in an evil moment the gallant Colonel (Griffin, of the 18th Miss,) received it.--They enemy thus discover that instead of holding the Stonewall with a line of battle, Barksdale's men are so stretched out that they are barely guarding it with a line of skirmishers. A few moments more and another desperate onset of the enemy's forces is made. The stone wall is carried, and the "star spangled banner" waves in triumph over the enemy's much coveted achievement, and our forces retire. Meantime a bloody dream has been enacted at Chancellorsville. The result of
Mississippi was taken up, and pending its consideration the Senate resolved itself into secret session. The House met at 11 o'clock, A. M. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Marshal. The following are the most important resolutions introduced. Mr. Barksdale, of Miss., submitted a resolution instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to report a bill for the speedy and effectual punishment of officers and privates who violate the provisions of the act regulating impressments. The resolution was referred. Mr. Barksdale introduced a bill providing for the payment of property destroyed or injured under military necessity, which was referred. The Committee on the Quartermaster and Commissary Departments reported favor ably on the bill to allow persons discharged from service by reason of wounds, &c., and in Government employment to purchase clothing at Government prices. The bill was ordered to be printed. The special order being the bill to provide an asylum for disabl
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