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Browsing named entities in Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation.
Found 38,264 total hits in 5,973 results.
Bere (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 18
Fleming (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): narrative 18
Brabant (Belgium) (search for this): narrative 17
Of the commodities of Brabant
and Zeland and Henauld and marchandy carried by land to the martes. Cap. 8.
YET marchandy of Brabant
and Zeland
The Madre and Woad, that dyers take on hand
To dyen with, Garlike and Onions,
And saltfishe als for husband and commons.
But they of Holland
at Caleis byen our felles,
And wolles our, that Englishmen hem selles.
And the chaffare that Englishmen doe byen
In the marts, that noe man may denien,
Is not made in Brabant
that cuntree:
It commethBrabant
that cuntree:
It commeth from out of Henauld, not by see,
But al by land, by carts, and from France,
Bourgoyne, Colein, Cameret in substance,
Therefore at marts if there be a restraint,
Men seyne plainely that list no fables paynt,
If Englishmen be withdrawen away,
Is great rebuke and losse to her affray:
As though we sent into the land of France
Ten thousand people, men of good puissance,
To werre unto her hindring multifarie,
So ben our English marchants necessarie.
If it be thus assay, and we shall witten
Brabant (search for this): narrative 17
Of the commodities of Brabant
and Zeland and Henauld and marchandy carried by land to the martes. Cap. 8.
YET marchandy of Brabant
and Zeland
The Madre and Woad, that dyers take on hand
To dyen with, Garlike and Onions,
And saltfishe als for husband and commons.
But they of Holland
at Caleis byen our felles,
And wolles our, that Englishmen hem selles.
And the chaffare that Englishmen doe byen
In the marts, that noe man may denien,
Is not made in Brabant
that cuntree:
It commeth from out of Henauld, not by see,
But al by land, by carts, and from France,
Bourgoyne, Colein, Cameret in substance,
Therefore at marts if there be a restraint,
Men seyne plainely that list no fables paynt,
If Englishmen be withdrawen away,
Is great rebuke and losse to her affray:
As though we sent into the land of France
Ten thousand people, men of good puissance,
To werre unto her hindring multifarie,
So ben our English marchants necessarie.
If it be thus assay, and we shall witten
Zeeland (Netherlands) (search for this): narrative 17
Of the commodities of Brabant
and Zeland and Henauld and marchandy carried by land to the martes. Cap. 8.
YET marchandy of Brabant
and Zeland
The Madre and Woad, that dyers take on hand
To dyen with, Garlike and Onions,
And saltfishe als for husband and commons.
But they of Holland
at Caleis byen our felles,
And wolles our, that Englishmen hem selles.
And the chaffare that Englishmen doe byen
In the marts, that noe man may denien,
Is not made in Brabant
that cuntree:
It commeth from out of Henauld, not by see,
But al by land, by carts, and from France,
Bourgoyne, Colein, Cameret in substance,
Therefore at marts if there be a restraint,
Men seyne plainely that list no fables paynt,
If Englishmen be withdrawen away,
Is great rebuke and losse to her affray:
As though we sent into the land of France
Ten thousand people, men of good puissance,
To werre unto her hindring multifarie,
So ben our English marchants necessarie.
If it be thus assay, and we shall witten
Holland (Netherlands) (search for this): narrative 17
Of the commodities of Brabant
and Zeland and Henauld and marchandy carried by land to the martes. Cap. 8.
YET marchandy of Brabant
and Zeland
The Madre and Woad, that dyers take on hand
To dyen with, Garlike and Onions,
And saltfishe als for husband and commons.
But they of Holland
at Caleis byen our felles,
And wolles our, that Englishmen hem selles.
And the chaffare that Englishmen doe byen
In the marts, that noe man may denien,
Is not made in Brabant
that cuntree:
It commeth from out of Henauld, not by see,
But al by land, by carts, and from France,
Bourgoyne, Colein, Cameret in substance,
Therefore at marts if there be a restraint,
Men seyne plainely that list no fables paynt,
If Englishmen be withdrawen away,
Is great rebuke and losse to her affray:
As though we sent into the land of France
Ten thousand people, men of good puissance,
To werre unto her hindring multifarie,
So ben our English marchants necessarie.
If it be thus assay, and we shall witten
Bere (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 17
Henauld (search for this): narrative 17
Of the commodities of Brabant
and Zeland and Henauld and marchandy carried by land to the martes. Cap. 8.
YET marchandy of Brabant
and Zeland
The Madre and Woad, that dyers take on hand
To dyen with, Garlike and Onions,
And saltfishe als for husband and commons.
But they of Holland
at Caleis byen our felles,
And wolles our, that Englishmen hem selles.
And the chaffare that Englishmen doe byen
In the marts, that noe man may denien,
Is not made in Brabant
that cuntree:
It commeth from out of Henauld, not by see,
But al by land, by carts, and from France,
Bourgoyne, Colein, Cameret in substance,
Therefore at marts if there be a restraint,
Men seyne plainely that list no fables paynt,
If Englishmen be withdrawen away,
Is great rebuke and losse to her affray:
As though we sent into the land of France
Ten thousand people, men of good puissance,
To werre unto her hindring multifarie,
So ben our English marchants necessarie.
If it be thus assay, and we shall witte
Fleming (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): narrative 17
Cambria (United Kingdom) (search for this): narrative 21
An exhortation to the keeping of Wales.
BEWARE of Wales, Christ Jesu mutt us keepe,
That it make not our childers childe to weepe,
Ne us also, so if it goe his way,
By unwarenes: seth that many a day
Men have bee ferde of her rebellion,
By great tokens and ostentation:
Seche the meanes with a discrete avise,
And helpe that they rudely not arise
For to rebell, that Christ it forbede.
Looke wel aboute, for God wote yee have neede,
Unfainingly, unfeyning and unfeynt,
That conscience for slought you not atteynt:
Kepe well that grounde, for harme that may ben used,
Or afore God mutte yee ben accused.