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The Daily Dispatch: March 27, 1865., [Electronic resource], Interesting Chapter on circus elephants. (search)
flowers. If an elephant gets loose in the night, he is tolerably sure to make for the nicest flower-garden in the vicinity, and he is certain to leave unmistakable traces of his visit. Flowers form his favorite salad. A nice orchard of young fruit trees is a great temptation to an elephant.--They are all fond of slipping their fastenings, when it is practicable, and starting off on a foraging expedition — a trait which has led to some very funny occurrences. Queen Anne got loose once in Missouri, and, making her way into the woods, defiled all efforts to capture her for several weeks. She was finally run down by a party on horse-back, organized for the purpose. When retaken, she had become quite wild and unmanageable, but was soon civilized by the usual process. An elephant in love. A number of years ago, two menageries were laid up for the winter in a store-house on the bank of the canal at Pittsburg. Here Hannibal, for the first time, was thrown into the society of Qu
the best solution of our difficulties is to make peace on the Stephens plan? Answer.--Yes, that is the best policy now. I think the army and the people ought to be saved if all else is lost. Desertions from the rebel army. From the records in the Adjutant and Inspector-General's office it appears that from the 1st of October, 1864, to February 4, 1865, seventy-two thousand men had deserted from the Confederate armies east of the Mississippi. During Price's recent invasion of Missouri, nearly all the Missourian in his army deserted, and he lost, during the campaign, nineteen thousand men. Hood's army. A distinguished Confederate officer from Georgia, February 4, said that the remnant of Hood's army was nothing more than a mob of demoralized soldiers. He saw the men pass through Montgomery, Alabama, on their way to Branchville, South Carolina. Unionists at the South. The following is a list of Senators, Representatives, and other public men throughout t
The constitutional amendment adopted. Alabama has adopted the constitutional amendment abolishing slavery. This is the twenty-seventh State which has ratified it, and thus we have the requisite number of three-fourths to give it effect. The following are the States concurring: Illinois, Rhode Island, New York, Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Michigan, Maine, Ohio, Kansas, Minnesota, Virginia, Indiana, Nevada, Alabama, Louisiana, Missouri, Wisconsin, Vermont, Tennessee, Arkansas, Connecticut, Iowa, (one house,) New Hampshire, South Carolina and North Carolina. The Legislatures of the following States have rejected it: Delaware, Kentucky and New Jersey. But New Jersey, it is anticipated, will concur in the amendment at the coming session of its Legislature.
The Daily Dispatch: December 11, 1865., [Electronic resource], Admission of Southern Representatives. (search)
The constitutional amendment. Washington, December 10. --Official information has been received at the State Department of the ratification of the slavery amendment of the Constitution by Illinois, Rhode Island, Michigan, Massachusetts. Ohio, Missouri, Maine, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Minnesota, Kansas, New York, Connecticut, West Virginia, New Hampshire, Maryland, Vermont, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, South Carolina and Virginia, making twenty-three States. Telegraphic information has been received of the adoption of the amendment by North Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. No information of any kind has been received of the adoption or ratification of the amendment by Indiana, Iowa, California, Oregon, Florida, Mississippi or Texas. Official information of its rejection by Kentucky, Delaware and New Jersey has been received. Immediately after the passage of the resolution by Congress, an attested copy of the amendment was forwarded by the Secretary
bill to confirm the land titles granted by General Slocum to colored men on the Sea Island last winter. Referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Brown, of Missouri, introduced a bill to authorize the construction of a railroad through Missouri and Arkansas, to the Pacific coast, by the Southern route. Referred to the CommiMissouri and Arkansas, to the Pacific coast, by the Southern route. Referred to the Committee on the Pacific Railroad. Mr. Steward, of Nevada, presented a bill establishing a Mining Bureau. Referred to the Committee on Mines and Mining. Mr. Wilson presented a joint resolution for the prevention of the sale of the bonds and scrip of the late Confederacy. Referred to the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Howard, as will vindicate American policy and protect the honor and interests of the United States. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Mr. Van Horn, of Missouri, offered a resolution making an earnest declaration against a monarchical government in Mexico, and instructing the Committee on Foreign Affairs to inquire what
tablish a uniform system of bankruptcy. Referred to a special committee. Mr. Van Horn, of Missouri, offered a preamble and resolution, instructing the Committee on Foreign Affairs to inquire whaon, of Michigan; Marshall, of Illinois; Paine, of Wisconsin; Shellabarger, of Ohio; McClung, of Missouri; Radfield, of New York. On Ways and Means.--Messrs. Morrill, of Vermont, chairman; Hooper,rth, of Illinois; Conkling, of New York; Moorhead, of Pennsylvania; Allison, of Iowa; Hagan, of Missouri. Appropriations.--Messrs. Stevens, of Pennsylvania, chairman; Raymond, of New York; Blair, of Missouri; Kasson, of Iowa; Voorhees, of Indiana; Farnsworth Spalding, of Ohio; Higsby, Wright, of New Jersey. On Banking and Currency.--Messrs of New York, chairman; Har; Culver, of Pennsyt, of Indiana; Davis, of New York; Baldwin, of Massachusetts; McCullough, of Maryland; Colt, of Missouri; Walker O. Mercer, of Pennsylvania; Sharkland, of Kentucky. On the Judiciary.--Messrs. Wil
uce the greatest and most direct impression upon the commercial relations of the several parts of the Union to each other, and of these, in combination, to the whole world. Rising within five miles of each other, these two great rivers run, the one directly west to the Ohio, the other directly east to Hampton Roads. Having once touched the Ohio, the water line places us in communication with all the great improvements of Kentucky, Ohio. Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and by their means with Missouri and Arkansas, on the west of the Mississippi, together with Kansas and the boundless regions of the far West. The California railroad, which will have its eastern terminus at St. Louis, will give us a fair chance for the trade of California itself and of China and the East Indies through San Francisco. The communication of the Ohio with the Mississippi will give the canal a fair sweep at the whole cotton region of the Mississippi, the Red river and Texas. We will thus be placed in a cond
It is computed that something like sixty thousand vehicles come into London city every day, and to receive them there are barely one hundred thoroughfares in which two carriages can pass each other, and in only about two-thirds of these can more lines find space. Missouri papers contain frequent notices of clergymen throwing up their pastoral charge in order to escape the test oath.
"The Finest country in the World." --General Shelby, late of the Confederate army, writes from Mexico as follows: Cordova, Mexico October, 1865. My Dear. M.--General P. and the balance of us returned yesterday from a three days four over the Valley of Cordova. Let me say to you I was raised in the best part of Kentucky, lived in the best part of Missouri, and I tell you honestly it is the best country I have ever seen. Sugar, tobacco, coffee, corn, cotton and rice grow as finely upon it as in any country in the world. I only regret that I am without language to describe it as it should be. I shall, on to-morrow, select a portion to locate upon, and go to work.
A negro jury in Missouri. --A negro jury was empaneled at Callao, Mo., on the 4th instant. A suit for assault and battery was brought before Squire Ballinger, in which the parties were colored citizens. A jury was summoned, composed entirely of colored men, who, after hearing the evidence and the charge of the court, assessed the fine of twenty-one dollars each.
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