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Browsing named entities in Matthew Arnold, Civilization in the United States: First and Last Impressions of America..

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Somerset house (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 4
class has created in the modern age, we should be in much the same case as the Americans. We should be living with much the same absence of training for the sense of beauty through the eye, from the aspect of outward things. The American cities have hardly anything to please a trained or a natural sense for beauty. They have buildings which cost a great deal of money and produce a certain effect — buildings, shall I say, such as our Midland Station at St. Pancras; but nothing such as Somerset House or Whitehall. One architect of genius they had — Richardson. I had the pleasure to know him: he is dead, alas! Much of his work was injured by the conditions under which he was obliged to execute it; I can recall but one building, and that of no great importance, where he seems to have had his own way, to be fully himself; but that is indeed excellent. In general, where the Americans succeed best in their architecture — in that art so indicative and educative of a people's sense for <
Newtown, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ncomes in America. Do not believe the Americans when they extol their peaches as equal to any in the world, or better than any in the world; they are not to be compared to peaches grown under glass. Do not believe that the American Newtown pippins appear in the New York and Boston fruit-shops as they appear in those of London and Liverpool ; or that the Americans have any pear to give you like the Marie Louise. But what laborer, or artisan, or small clerk, ever gets hot-house peaches, or Newtown pippins, or Marie Louise pears? Not such good pears, apples, and peaches as those, but pears, apples, and peaches by no means to be despised, such people and their families do in America get in plenty. Well, now, what would a philosopher or a philanthropist say in this case? which would he say was the more civilized condition — that of the country where the balance of advantage, as to the comforts and conveniences of life, is greatly in favor of the people with incomes below three hund
Puritan (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ion, and the interest which human nature seeks from enjoying the effect made upon it by what is elevated, the case is much the same. There is very little to create such an effect, very much to thwart it. Goethe says somewhere that the thrill of awe is the best thing humanity has :-- Das Schaudern ist der Menschheit bestes Theil. But, if there be a discipline in which the Americans are wanting, it is the discipline of awe and respect. An austere and intense religion imposed on their Puritan founders the discipline of respect, and so provided for them the thrill of awe; but this religion is dying out. The Americans have produced plenty of men strong, shrewd, upright, able, effective; very few who are highly distinguished. Alexander Hamilton is indeed a man of rare distinction; Washington, though he has not the high mental distinction of Pericles or Caesar, has true distinction of style and character. But these men belong to the pre-American age. Lincoln's recent American biog
ey are cheap, and they are better furnished and in winter are warmer than third-class carriages in England. Luxuries are, as I have said, very dear — above all, European luxuries; but a working-man's clothing is nearly as cheap as in England, and plain food is on the whole cheaper. Even luxuries of a certain kind are within a later, whom I found painting and prospering in America, how he liked the country. How can an artist like it? was his answer. The American artists live chiefly in Europe; all Americans of cultivation and wealth visit Europe more and more constantly. The mere nomenclature of the country acts upon a cultivated person like the incesEurope more and more constantly. The mere nomenclature of the country acts upon a cultivated person like the incessant pricking of pins. What people in whom the sense for beauty and fitness was quick could have invented, or could tolerate, the hideous names ending in ville, the Briggsvilles, Higginsvilles, Jacksonvilles, rife from Maine to Florida; the jumble of unnatural and inappropriate names everywhere? On the line from Albany to Buffal
America (Netherlands) (search for this): chapter 4
Nineteenth Century, London. on the subject of America; and after considering the institutions and tlized where one would not rather live than in America, except Russia. Certainly then, I said, one people who in England would use cabs must in America use the horsecars, the tram. The charges of class would feel the great difference between America and England in the conveniences at his comman than three or four hundred a year, things in America are favorable. It is easier for them there tndred a year, things are favorable to them in America, society seems organized there for their beneh, the humbler kind of work is better paid in America than with us; the higher kind, worse. The ofis a great boon to people of small incomes in America. Do not believe the Americans when they extoespised, such people and their families do in America get in plenty. Well, now, what would a phin truth, everything is against distinction in America, and against the sense of elevation to be gai[3 more...]
America (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
cing Sir Lepel Griffin's feelings when he said that America is one of the last countries in which one would likere material progress, and did not enough set forth America's deficiencies and dangers. And a friendly clergymhe grand remedy for the deficiencies and dangers of America. On this I offer no criticism; what struck me, and self-deception as I have been mentioning is one of America's dangers, or even that it is self-deception at allism, I repeat, of all this hollow stuff there is in America next to none. There are plenty of cultivated, judielightful individuals there. They are our hope and America's hope; it is through their means that improvement r political opponents and their doings there are in America hard words to be heard in abundance; for the real fud to his countrymen and to his newspapers, that in America they do not solve the human problem successfully, a step of such men should be to insist on having for America, and to create if need be, better newspapers. To
Jacksonville, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 4
ical Protestantism still added. Ours is the elect nation, preaches this reformer of American faults--ours is the elect nation for the age to come. We are the chosen people. Already, says he, we are taller and heavier than other men, longer lived than other men, richer and more energetic than other men, above all, of finer nervous organization than other men. Yes, this people, who endure to have the American newspaper for their daily reading, and to have their habitation in Briggsville, Jacksonville, and Marcellus — this people is of finer, more delicate nervous organization than other nations! It is Colonel Higginson's drop more of nervous fluid, over again. This drop plays a stupendous part in the American rhapsody of self-praise. Undoubtedly the Americans are highly nervous, both the men and the women. A great Paris physician says that he notes a distinct new form of nervous disease, produced in American women by worry about servants. But this nervousness, developed in the ra
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