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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 3, 1861., [Electronic resource].

Found 898 total hits in 439 results.

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Adolph Werdmeyer (search for this): article 8
The Disturbance at "Solitude." --The Mayer yesterday discharged Fountain Rowe as a party implicated in the felonious assault made on John S. Curry, at "Solitude," on Cary st., on the 18th of March. Curry, who was present, testified as to the active agency of Geo. and Beverly Bloomer in producing the fracture of his skull, and they were remanded for indictment and trial. The following witnesses and participants were recognized to appear and testify in the case, viz: John L. Curry, Granville Montelle, Philip Snyder, Ro. Ratcliffe, Wm. H. Dixon, Adolph Werdmeyer, Sam. Chappell, Wm. Howard, Thomas F. Moseley, and Jas. Dundelfunker. Curry is recovering from his injuries.
Samuel Chappell (search for this): article 8
The Disturbance at "Solitude." --The Mayer yesterday discharged Fountain Rowe as a party implicated in the felonious assault made on John S. Curry, at "Solitude," on Cary st., on the 18th of March. Curry, who was present, testified as to the active agency of Geo. and Beverly Bloomer in producing the fracture of his skull, and they were remanded for indictment and trial. The following witnesses and participants were recognized to appear and testify in the case, viz: John L. Curry, Granville Montelle, Philip Snyder, Ro. Ratcliffe, Wm. H. Dixon, Adolph Werdmeyer, Sam. Chappell, Wm. Howard, Thomas F. Moseley, and Jas. Dundelfunker. Curry is recovering from his injuries.
James Dundelfunker (search for this): article 8
The Disturbance at "Solitude." --The Mayer yesterday discharged Fountain Rowe as a party implicated in the felonious assault made on John S. Curry, at "Solitude," on Cary st., on the 18th of March. Curry, who was present, testified as to the active agency of Geo. and Beverly Bloomer in producing the fracture of his skull, and they were remanded for indictment and trial. The following witnesses and participants were recognized to appear and testify in the case, viz: John L. Curry, Granville Montelle, Philip Snyder, Ro. Ratcliffe, Wm. H. Dixon, Adolph Werdmeyer, Sam. Chappell, Wm. Howard, Thomas F. Moseley, and Jas. Dundelfunker. Curry is recovering from his injuries.
The friends of Southern Rights were addressed last night, at Metropolitan Hall, by Lieut. Gov. Montague, and others.
Bad news for office Seekers. --The mails which were burned on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, on the 20th inst., contained a large number of Washington bound letters, which were applications for office from Western politicians.
February, 4 AD (search for this): article 8
St. Louis charter election. St. Louis, April 2. --The anti-Republican ticket for city officers was carried here yesterday by 2,000 majority.
s, but I found the ship's jibboom on the beach, together with pieces of burnt timber, staves, &c. The bark Superior, R. D. Woods, master, (Woods owner) of New Bedford, sailed from that port on the 24th June, 1857, made Treary Island on the 12th of September, 1860, and came to anchor there on the same day. On the 13th, 14th and 15th of that month the crew were employed in wooding and watering, and, from the men's statement, were visited by a great number of natives, armed. On Sunday, the 16th, nine of the crew went ashore. The carpenter and two men went to the settlement and were murdered in one of the native huts. The natives then proceeded, in canoes and overland, to the ship, and those who came by land fell in with the remaining six close to the beach, and murdered them.--About 150 natives got on board the vessel and made a rush on the crew, who were all on deck except four, who were in bed. Those on deck were immediately tomahawked, only two escaping by jumping down the main
session of, I could not get either by persuasion or by threats. At night I proceeded to the anchorage, where the ship had been taken, and remained there two days. I saw no natives, but I found the ship's jibboom on the beach, together with pieces of burnt timber, staves, &c. The bark Superior, R. D. Woods, master, (Woods owner) of New Bedford, sailed from that port on the 24th June, 1857, made Treary Island on the 12th of September, 1860, and came to anchor there on the same day. On the 13th, 14th and 15th of that month the crew were employed in wooding and watering, and, from the men's statement, were visited by a great number of natives, armed. On Sunday, the 16th, nine of the crew went ashore. The carpenter and two men went to the settlement and were murdered in one of the native huts. The natives then proceeded, in canoes and overland, to the ship, and those who came by land fell in with the remaining six close to the beach, and murdered them.--About 150 natives got on boa
September 12th, 1860 AD (search for this): article 9
eat deal of trouble. The three men, however, whom Copan had possession of, I could not get either by persuasion or by threats. At night I proceeded to the anchorage, where the ship had been taken, and remained there two days. I saw no natives, but I found the ship's jibboom on the beach, together with pieces of burnt timber, staves, &c. The bark Superior, R. D. Woods, master, (Woods owner) of New Bedford, sailed from that port on the 24th June, 1857, made Treary Island on the 12th of September, 1860, and came to anchor there on the same day. On the 13th, 14th and 15th of that month the crew were employed in wooding and watering, and, from the men's statement, were visited by a great number of natives, armed. On Sunday, the 16th, nine of the crew went ashore. The carpenter and two men went to the settlement and were murdered in one of the native huts. The natives then proceeded, in canoes and overland, to the ship, and those who came by land fell in with the remaining six clos
Massacre of the crew of the Americanwhaling ship Superior, by the natives ofTreasury Island, in the Solomon Group. The Sydney Herald publishes a letter from Capt. Mair, of the schooner Ariel, giving the particulars of the murder of twenty six of the crew of the American whaling bark Superior, which sailed from New Bedford, by the savages of Treasury Island. Capt. Mair sailed to the island to inquire the truth of the reported massacre. The following is his account of the affair: I fouCapt. Mair sailed to the island to inquire the truth of the reported massacre. The following is his account of the affair: I found out that six of her crew were prisoners upon the island, and I at once set about trying to get possession of them. For three days more I cruised off the island, having the natives backwards and forward during that time. I went to the beach occasionally, and could see the men, but on every occasion they were strongly guarded. None of the principal natives coming on board, as a last resource I had to secure a native who was related to one of the head chiefs. I put him in irons, and next mor
... 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44