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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 17, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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Warsaw, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): article 9
large body of Lincolnites, in Scott county, Tennessee. We have been unable to learn any of the particulars of this affair, and merely give the rumor as an item of news, without vouching for its correctness. From Missouri--Federal retreat — part of Warsaw-burned. We copy the following telegraphic dispatch from Mr. Morrison, addressed to the editor of the Fort Smith News, which will be found interesting: Fayetteville, Dec. 4. Judge Wheeler. --I arrived yesterday from Warsaw, Mo. Left there last Friday. All quiet there. The Federals were at Sedalia, (terminus of the Pacific Railroad,) 25 miles north of Warsaw, and were scattered from there down as far as Jefferson City. It was supposed they would go into winter quarters there. It is said there are from 30 to 40,000 of them. The Federals have burned the business portion of the town of Warsaw; as they retreated back from Springfield, they laid the country waste, taking everything they could get their hands on
Saint Clair (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 9
joined Dr. Byrd's company. Capt. Cocke also brought in several prisoners from Cocke county. John Black, of Anderson county, who has been in correspondence with the enemy, was also brought in yesterday by Capt. Clarke's company of Minute Men. Incendiarism in Haskins County.--A friend at Whitesburg writes us, Dec. 12th, that "last night Mr. Jances Headerick's and Mr. Barnard Headerick's barns and cribs were both burned by incendiaries. They both live about one mile south of St. Clair, Hawkins county. They are both Southern men and good citizens, and this destruction of their bars and cribs leaves them without one blade of roughness to feed their stock. Another Raid into Scott County.--There was on yesterday a rumor current on the street, that Capt. Bradley, of Anderson county, and 34 of his men, had been taken prisoners by a large body of Lincolnites, in Scott county, Tennessee. We have been unable to learn any of the particulars of this affair, and merely give the rumo
West Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 9
rs he is going to dine in Lexington on the 25th. There is no considerable body of Federals opposed to him, and he will probably make a diversion in the direction of Mount Sterling and Paris that will be of some importance in the general programme. He has the confidence of the people to a very great extent, and as he advances into the State he will be joined by thousands of loyal and true men who are panting for an opportunity to aid in the war for freedom. Gen. Marshall is a graduate of West Point, but our people believe he is happily rid of the red tape propensities of others of that school — that he will follow the promptings of common sense, without too frequent reference to technicalities and science. The "sea King" We find the following mysterious paragraph in the Texas State Gazette: The invention of Mr. Creuzbaur, which is secret as yet, and for the bringing of which to the notice of the Confederate Government $500 has been appropriated, has been fully examined
Mill Spring, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 9
iring in the Southern Confederacy: From East Tennessee. We take the following items of East Tennessee news from the Knoxville Register, of the 14th instant: Late from Zollicoffer's Command.--We are indebted to Mr. J. N. Thomas, of the Tullos Rangers, of Colonel Branner's Cavalry Battalion, who arrived here yesterday direct from General Zollicoffer's camp, for the following particulars of the movements in that region: Gen. Zollicoffer has crossed the Cumberland river at Mill Spring, and advanced some four miles on the road to Somerset. The enemy is reported to be from four to six thousand strong some miles beyond Somerset On Sunday last there was a skirmish between our pickets and the pickets of the Lincolnites at Somerset, the result of which was that thirteen Lincolnites were killed and fourteen taken prisoners. On our side no casualties occurred. except one man wounded and a horse killed. Among the Lincolnites killed was one Lieutenant. The enemy's picket
Ranaway.--$100 reward, --Ranaway on Monday, a Negro Boy, named Essex, about five feet eight inches high; black stammers slightly; about twenty or twenty two years old; weight about 150 pounds; formerly belonged to Capt John wright, of Plain View P. O., King and Queen county, Va. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me at my office, in this city. He may be making his way to west Point, Va. He has a wife in that neighborhood. His upper teeth are dark, from tartar on them. Benjamin Davis. oc 22--ts
Ranaway.--$100 reward, --Ranaway on Monday, a Negro Boy, named Essex, about five feet eight inches high; black stammers slightly; about twenty or twenty two years old; weight about 150 pounds; formerly belonged to Capt John wright, of Plain View P. O., King and Queen county, Va. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me at my office, in this city. He may be making his way to west Point, Va. He has a wife in that neighborhood. His upper teeth are dark, from tartar on them. Benjamin Davis. oc 22--ts
Ranaway.--$100 reward, --Ranaway on Monday, a Negro Boy, named Essex, about five feet eight inches high; black stammers slightly; about twenty or twenty two years old; weight about 150 pounds; formerly belonged to Capt John wright, of Plain View P. O., King and Queen county, Va. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me at my office, in this city. He may be making his way to west Point, Va. He has a wife in that neighborhood. His upper teeth are dark, from tartar on them. Benjamin Davis. oc 22--ts
Edward John (search for this): article 9
Ranaway.--$100 reward, --Ranaway on Monday, a Negro Boy, named Essex, about five feet eight inches high; black stammers slightly; about twenty or twenty two years old; weight about 150 pounds; formerly belonged to Capt John wright, of Plain View P. O., King and Queen county, Va. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me at my office, in this city. He may be making his way to west Point, Va. He has a wife in that neighborhood. His upper teeth are dark, from tartar on them. Benjamin Davis. oc 22--ts
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