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Edward Goffe (search for this): chapter 49
Gallop, 170. Gamage, 407. Gannett, 176, 94, 219, 311, 12, 14. Gardner, 5, 142-4, 54, 9, 292, 5, 407, 8, 11, 13, 18-21, 5, 8. Gates, 263. Gay, 173. Gearner, 33. Gedney, 111, 15. Genings, 355. George, 110. George III., 144. Gerrish, 288, 423. Gerry, 168, 93, 203, 6. Gibbons, 383, 4. Gibbs, 289. Gibson, 33, 59, 75, 102, 263, 74, 356, 7, 63, 4. Gilman, 325. Girling, 35. Gleason, 342. Glover, 44, 5, 252, 335, 420, 3. Goddard, 4, 397. Goffe, 34-6, 42, 54, 5, 9, 60, 2, 7-9, 125, 7, 35, 73, 4, 97, 211, 15, 16, 50, 9, 60, 2, 371, 2, 401, 3, 4. Goodhue, 335. Goodman, 12, 32, 174. Goodnow, 314. Goodrich, 318. Goodwin, 32, 248, 53, 4. Gookin, 57, 64, 6-8, 72, 7, 8, 96, 104, 6, 9, 17, 25-7, 31, 269, 78-82, 6, 346, 7, 86– 95, 8, 9, 400, 3. Gorton, 397, 402. Gossom, 75. Gould, 279. Gove, 75, 97, 108. Grant, 33, 133, 292, 324. Granville, 320. Graves, 2, 279. Green, 33, 5, 43, 4, 58, 9, 75, 103, 2
Samuel Kent (search for this): chapter 49
Jacobs, 313, 23, 9, 53. James II., 96, 113. James (Black), 390. Jarvis, 2, 173, 4, 6-8, 310. Jefferson, 190, 2. Jeffries, 440. Jefts, 62. Jenner, 252. Jennison, 355. Jethro, 391. Jewett, 320. Joel, 388. Johns, 235. Johnson, 3, 6, 18, 43, 4, 69, 83, 321, 32, 82, 97, 428. Jones, 35, 97, 157, 85, 326, 95. Joy, 185. Judd, 33. Karr, 326. Keith, 214, 44. Kelsey, 11, 32. Kempster, 58, 75. Kendall, 327, 37, 55, 80. Kenrick, 80, 1. Kent, 292. Kerley, 401. Keys, 81. Kidder, 292, 305. Kilburn. 327. Kimball, 317. King, 36. Kingsley, 335. Kirkland, 193, 231, 93, 312. Kirman, 8, 32. Knapp, 322. Kneeland, 220, 413, 17. La Fayette, 293. Lambert, 322. Lamson, 35, 40, 256. Lane, 331. Langdon, 310. Lansing, 339. Larkin, 110. Leavitt, 337. Lechmere, 168-70, 5, 83-6, 310. Lee, 151, 3, 68-70, 5, 83, 307, 8, 10, 75, 421, 2, 33. Lemmon, 263. Leonard, 416. Leverett, 63,
Samuel Child (search for this): chapter 49
Case, 327, 337. Caswell, 135. Chadwick, 336. Chamberlin, 62, 239, 432, 33. Champney, 34, 59. 60, 2, 75, 6, 96, 118, 22, 226, 50, 62, 9, 92, 305, 98, 426. Chandler, 76. Channing, 314. Chaplin, 35-7. Chapman, 331. Charles I., 63, 74. Charles II., 67, 96. Chase, 310, 28. Chauncy, 49, 68, 75, 262, 4-7, 9, 75, 82, 352. Cheeshahteaumuck, 366, 88, Cheever, 58, 75, 185, 216,62. Cheney, 75. Chesholme, 15, 59, 75, 223, 58, 69, 71, 305. Chester. 32. Child, 86, 215, 26, 31, 431. Christison, 347. Clark, 32, 8, 59, 77,180, 208, 54, 78, 9, 305, 22, 30. Clements, 58. Cobb, 435. Cobbett, 35, 69. Coddillgton, 6, 8, 27. Codman, 217. Coffin, 150. Cogswell, 329. Coit, 309. Colby, 20, 32. Collar, 76. Collecott, 385. Collins, 35, 56, 117, 250, 305. Collyer, 321, 30. Colman, 135, 369. Conant, 419. Cooke, 34-40, 2, 3, 56, 9, 75-8, 81, 110, 11, 18, 76, 82, 222, 39, 50, 90, 4, 314, 31, 84, 97, 8, 418.
Samuel Robinson (search for this): chapter 49
82, 304, 65. Randolph, 76, 7, 95, 6, 103– 8. Ravenscroft, 110. Rawson, 99, 350, 1, 89, 98. Ray, 321. Raymond, 342. Read, 201, 31, 92, 324, 40, 427, 8. Reading, 11, 32. Reed, 201, 31, 92, 324, 40, 427, 8. Remington, 124, 5, 35, 224, 7, 88, 375, 94, 8. Reyle, 76. Rice, 36, 339. Richards, 11, 32, 110, 11,15. Richardson, 292, 310, 32, 36, 413, 14, 31-33. Riedesel, 168, 427. Riorden, 329. Robbins, 59, 76, 140, 3, 263, 407. Roberts, 36, 370. Robinson, 80, 226, 331, 415. Rogers, 288, 9. Rolfe, 54. Rollins, 341. Roripaugh, 319. Row, 341. Rugg 319, 27. Ruggles, 168, 9, 292, 406. Rule, 217. Ruscoe, 35. Russell, 35, 54, 9, 76, 86, 116, 17, 226, 86, 306, 68, 73,89, 412, 14, 15. Sabine, 170. Sackett, 8, 11, 32. Safford, 306, 17. Saltonstall, 6-8, 115,16, 229, 384. Sampson, 390. Sanborn, 324. Sanderson, 208. Sanger, 335. Santley, 36. Sargent, 111, 15, 308, 20, 423. Saunders, 306, 45
Elizabeth Knapp (search for this): chapter 49
ennison, 355. Jethro, 391. Jewett, 320. Joel, 388. Johns, 235. Johnson, 3, 6, 18, 43, 4, 69, 83, 321, 32, 82, 97, 428. Jones, 35, 97, 157, 85, 326, 95. Joy, 185. Judd, 33. Karr, 326. Keith, 214, 44. Kelsey, 11, 32. Kempster, 58, 75. Kendall, 327, 37, 55, 80. Kenrick, 80, 1. Kent, 292. Kerley, 401. Keys, 81. Kidder, 292, 305. Kilburn. 327. Kimball, 317. King, 36. Kingsley, 335. Kirkland, 193, 231, 93, 312. Kirman, 8, 32. Knapp, 322. Kneeland, 220, 413, 17. La Fayette, 293. Lambert, 322. Lamson, 35, 40, 256. Lane, 331. Langdon, 310. Lansing, 339. Larkin, 110. Leavitt, 337. Lechmere, 168-70, 5, 83-6, 310. Lee, 151, 3, 68-70, 5, 83, 307, 8, 10, 75, 421, 2, 33. Lemmon, 263. Leonard, 416. Leverett, 63, 77, 286-90, 324, 51, 403. Lewis, 11, 32, 253, 310. Lincoln, 409. Little, 222. Livermore, 201, 44, 312, 448. Locke, 376, 410, 26, 8. Lockwood, 8, 17, 20, 32, 34
Ephraim Forbes (search for this): chapter 49
2. Ephraim, 391. Errington, 59, 75. Estabrook, 281, 3. Eyers, 279. Fairbanks, 327. Farley, 62. Farrar, 231. Farewell, 110, 230, 2, 9, 306, 14. Fay, 189, 237, 9, 310, 34. Fayerweather, 168, 9, 418. Fenton, 310. Fenwick, 48. Fessenden, 75, 227, 52, 92, 338, 69. Fisher, 32, 77. Fiske, 58, 76, 120, 208, 376. Fisman, 75. Fitch, 288, 9. Fitzpatrick, 329. Flagg, 76. Fletcher, 317. Flint, 289,92, 306, 84. Fobes, 336. Foote, 310. Forbes, 312. Foster, 111, 83, 4, 296, 310, 76. Fowle, 220. Fownell, 59. Fox, 58, 75, 263, 9, 83, 353, 4. Foxcroft, 109, 10, 16, 27, 204, 57, 86, 92, 336, 75, 403, 17, 25. Foy, 76. Francis, 59, 76, 186, 312, 63. French, 35, 58, 9, 62, 254, 5, 7. Frost, 34, 5, 59, 68, 75, 6, 143, 80, 254-8, 69, 73, 297, 353, 407, 15. Frothingham, 408, 11,17, 18, 23. Frye, 405, 6, 23. Fuller, 80, 1, 208, 426. Fultz, 339. Gage, 65, 154, 6-8, 162. Gale, 208. Gallop, 170.
Moses Payne (search for this): chapter 49
d, 326, 69. Paddlefoot, 59. Page, 328. Paige, 115, 316. Palfrey, 75, 114, 266, 8, 274, 363. Palmer, 292, 322, 9, 76, 425. Palsgrave, 258. Pantry, 32. Parents, 75. Parish, 35. Parker, 35, 59, 62, 75, 6, 80, 1, 177, 225, 80, 313, 27, 401. Parkes, 36, 59, 75, 81, 5. Parkman, 184. Parmele, 369. Parmenter, 239, 44. Parris, 145, 16, 398. Parsons, 185, 416. Patrick, 8, 11, 15, 32, 396, 7. Patten, 36, 8, 9, 59, 62, 129, 364. Patterson, 423. Payne, 186, 254. Peabody, 304, 12. Pearce, 308. Pearl, 416. Peck, 310. Peirce, 44, 68, 208, 365, 433. Pelham, 53, 6, 89, 119, 74, 226, 54. Pemberton, 126, 287. Perkins, 186, 204-6 327. Perry, 325, 7. Pervear. 314, 24. Peters, 43, 5. Pettingell, 328. Phillips, 117, 207, 255-7. Phinney, 423. Phipps, 211, 26. Phips, 112-15, 27, 30, 3, 53, 7, 68-70, 5, 6, 307, 10, 53, 4, 403, 7. Piambow, 391. Pickering, 321. Pickman, 310. Pigeon, 308. Pittim
smuch as some of them are already arranged in alphabetical order, and all may be easily examined. A separate Index contains the names in the Genealogical Register. List of Inhabitants, 11, 32-36, 58, 59, 75, 76, 80, 81, 444-7. List of Officers, City, 469-475. List of Officers, Military, 404-10, 28, 31-36. List of Officers, State, 459-462. List of Officers, Town, 462-469. List of Soldiers, 404, 5, 9, 10, 28-32, 36-38. List of Tax Payers (1688), 440-444. List of Voters (1822), 448-451. Abbott, 32, 336, 7, 40. Adams, 11, 32, 35, 75, 143, 301-3, 26, 30, 98, 404, 7. Addington, 110, 11, 16. Albee, 326. Albone, 257. Albro, 50, 303. Aldrich, 323. Alexander, 81. Allen, 11, 32, 175, 233, 82, 326, 33, 86. Amee, 438. Ames, 256, 317, 61. Amsden, 399. Anable, 332. Andrew, 32, 36, 59, 75, 94, 105, 8, 13, 22, 5, 227, 80, 353, 440. Andros, 78, 94, 95, 100, 102-4, 10, 14, 23, 5, 210, 459. Angier, 35, 59, 75, 225, 7, 8, 70, 80, 9, 9
May, 183 AD (search for this): chapter 49
Makepeace, 176-82, 9, 202, 4, 6, 7, 21, 30, 9. Mann, 33, 59, 401, 35. Manning, 59, 75, 92, 8, 122, 168, 227, 54, 8, 71, 2, 92, 372, 428. Mansfield, 321. Marcy, 110, 413, 14. Marrett, 35, 59, 75, 6, 160, 226, 7, 59, 92, 305, 407, 26. Marshall, 395. Marsters, 334. Martin, 65. Mason, 80, 95, 155, 7, 77, 9, 80, 2, 230, 314, 40. Massasoit, 382. Masters, 9, 11, 20, 32. Mather, 51, 69,100, 2, 14, 16, 217, 47, 8, 58, 61, 4, 81-6, 9, 97, 366. Maverick, 73. May, 183. Mayhew, 309, 66. Maynard, 33. McClure, 327. McCoy, 81. McCurdy, 521. McDaniel, 81, 322. McDonald, 435. McKean, 231. McKenzie, 250, 4, 74, 302, 3, 86, 413. McKeown, 330. McLellan, 438. McNamara, 339. McReading, 330. Meacham, 339, 416. Meane, 35. Mears, 336. Mellen, 231, 318. Meriam, 75, 337. Merrill, 321, 30, 9. Metcalf, 231. Miffin, 421. Mighill, 327. Miller, 58, 80. Miner, 324. Minot, 156. Mitchell, 57, 68-70, 5
those lists may be sufficient, inasmuch as some of them are already arranged in alphabetical order, and all may be easily examined. A separate Index contains the names in the Genealogical Register. List of Inhabitants, 11, 32-36, 58, 59, 75, 76, 80, 81, 444-7. List of Officers, City, 469-475. List of Officers, Military, 404-10, 28, 31-36. List of Officers, State, 459-462. List of Officers, Town, 462-469. List of Soldiers, 404, 5, 9, 10, 28-32, 36-38. List of Tax Payers (1688), 440-444. List of Voters (1822), 448-451. Abbott, 32, 336, 7, 40. Adams, 11, 32, 35, 75, 143, 301-3, 26, 30, 98, 404, 7. Addington, 110, 11, 16. Albee, 326. Albone, 257. Albro, 50, 303. Aldrich, 323. Alexander, 81. Allen, 11, 32, 175, 233, 82, 326, 33, 86. Amee, 438. Ames, 256, 317, 61. Amsden, 399. Anable, 332. Andrew, 32, 36, 59, 75, 94, 105, 8, 13, 22, 5, 227, 80, 353, 440. Andros, 78, 94, 95, 100, 102-4, 10, 14, 23, 5, 210, 459. Angier,
... 69 70 71 72 73 74