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ain in the Q. M. Department, and assigned to duty with Gen. Langstreet. Company G--Lieut. Langley, promoted, vice S. H. Tucker, resigned Lieut Morris, promoted, vice Lieut. H. Miles, killed July 18th. Lieut McDonald, promoted, vice Lieut. Morris, promoted. Company H.--J. H. Greaner, elected Captain, vice F. H. Boggs, resigned. Lieut. J. T. Vaughn. promoted, vice Lieut. Greanor. Lieut. Wm. H. Tysinger, promoted, vice Lieut. Vaughan Lieut. O. R. Hough, elected from the ranks, vice Wm. Allan, transferred. Company L.--W. Tabb. promoted, vice Capt Taylor, resigned. Lieut. Jno. A. Tyree, promoted, vice J. T. Rodgers, resigned. Lieut. B. F. Howard, promoted, vice Jno. A. Tyree, promoted, Lieut. W. W. McKaig, promoted, vice B. F. Howard, promoted. Company K.--Lieut. Paul, promoted, vice Lieut. Linkenhauser, deserted. I also add a statement of the killed and wounded in the battles of the 18th and 21st July: Company C.--Lieut. (now Captain) Engglish, wounde
Military. --Capt. Thos. P. Wilkinson's company has been incorporated into the battalion of artillery commanded by Major William Allan, of Claremont, who have charge of a stationary battery at Jamestown, thus affording a fine opportunity to persons wishing to join a volunteer company, and at the same time to avoid the fatigue of long marches. Captain Wilkinson has established a recruiting office opposite the Spotswood Hotel.
Proceedings in the Courts. Mayor's Court, October 23. --Ellen Norman, free, was ordered to be whipped for living in the city with Henrico papers, contrary to law. The case of Baily Spurrell, for taking two blankets belonging to Maj. Wm. Allan, worth $50, was continued — the witness in the case not appearing when called. Mary J Smith was ordered to be whipped for stealing $15 from Tabby Clayton. Both parties are colored. Charles, slave of Col. Ayres, was sent on to be tried before the Hustings Court on the 2d Monday in November, on the charge of stealing a box of clothing from R. L. Steward, at the American Hotel. His master gave bail for his appearance. Mary Garrity was required to give $150 security for assaulting and beating John Coyle and his wife, and child. Failing, she was committed. Elias Vanderlip and Owen Riley underwent a lengthy examination on the charge of stealing $107 from Lindsey Smith, a paroled C. S. soldier, on Saturday evening, a
An outrage. --Some time during Wednesday night a number of villains entered the stables on the place formerly occupied by the late Nicholas Mills, now owned by Major Wm. Allan, of Claremont, and abstracted seven of his horses and two carriages, which were found yesterday morning in different parts of the city. The vehicles were badly damaged, one being upset and the tongue broken off, and all the harness stolen. The horses were out and bruised about the legs, as if they had been driven repeatedly over piles of stones. No clue could be found to the perpetrators of the singular outrage.
Yankee Vandalism. --Any person who desires a good idea of the Yankee notion of honorable warfare, and how they carry it on, has only to step down to the dock and look at a lighter full of valuable machinery lately brought from Curl's Neck and Claremont, on James river. When the owner of these farms, Maj. Wm. Allan, was compelled to fine to escape the vandals, they occupied his property, and after destroying all they could, broke up with heavy sledge hammers what they could not steal. Their malicious ingenuity was taxed to find new ways to "smash up" the machinery in question, which they pretty effectually did, rendering it worthless, save as old iron.
Mayor's Court, Friday, May 1st --Beltic, slave of George Lotmore, was committed to jail for going at large. John Orvil, a youth, whose exploits in the petty delinquency line have rendered his name famous in police elects, was arraigned to-day for the commission of offences embraced in the following category: First, for burglariously entering the dwelling-house of Wm. Allan and stealing one sliver waiter, a pair of pistols, an overcoat, and a small engine, valued at $1,000; second for burglariously entering, in the sight time, the store of Maurice Nelson, opposite the Old Market-House, and stealing a large quantity of ready-made clothing and jewelry, gained at $2,500; and third, for burglariously breaking into James Walsh's gunshot, and stealing $1,500 worth of pistols and The proof in each case was of such a nature that the Mayor committed the accrued for examination for felony, before a called Court on the 7th of May The case of John Murphy, for shooting Martin Call
Hustings Court --Judge Wm. H. Lyons, presiding.--Yesterday several criminals were tried in this Court. John Orrill, an ill-favored young ruffian, hailing from this city, was tried for burglariously entering Major Wm. Allan's house, in this city, and stealing a number of articles of silver ware. He was convicted and sent to the State's prison for 10 years. He had no counsel. Orrill has already served out one term in the penitentiary. Two other cases of burglary pending against him were dismissed by nolle prosequi. John Guiotti was tried for breaking into the storehouse of Dionisio Meoni in November last, with intent to commit larceny. He was sent to the penitentiary for one year. Fendall Thomas and Chas. Porter, newsboys, were tried for stealing three reams of paper from the store of Adolphus Morris. The case of Thomas being first taken up he was convicted and sent to the penitentiary for one year. Proceedings against Porter were stopped by a nolle prosequi,
Robbing residences --Many of the robberies of private residences are perpetrated by servants, to whom the keys are entrusted, and who know where each valuable is deposited. We learn from officer Moore, one of the city police, that one of Mr. Wm. Allan's servants has confessed the robbery of his master's house on several occasions of late, and has given the names of some of his accomplices.
ng butter in the First Market to sell again, in violation of a city ordinance. Ann Weaver, free, charged with being a person of evil fame, was ordered to be whipped, and then to leave the city. A negro, named Jim Brooks, slave to Major William Allan, was arraigned on the charge of murdering, in the county of Surry, on the 25th of October, 1862, J. M. Schriver, Joseph A. Graves and George Graves, and wounding, at the same time, Gilbert Wootton, a free negro. The accused, Jim, is saidth of October, 1862, J. M. Schriver, Joseph A. Graves and George Graves, and wounding, at the same time, Gilbert Wootton, a free negro. The accused, Jim, is said to be one of a party of negroes who committed the above murders at "Jamestown," the former residence of Major Allan, soon after the Yankees took possession of that place. The Mayor postponed an investigation of the case till the 1st of February. One or two other cases, of trivial import, concluded the proceedings for the day.
quently arrested. When confronted before the Mayor yesterday by Major Gibbes, that gentleman was unable to identify them as the parties who traveled to this city in company with him. The Mayor committed the prisoners to jail until this morning, when he will decide what to do with them. John and Andrew, free negroes, charged with stealing a piece of calico from Chiles & Chenery, valued at fifteen dollars in specie, were ordered to be whipped. The continued case of Jim, slave of William Allan, charged with murder, was called up; but, for reasons considered sufficient, it was further postponed. Emily, a dwarfed salve, not over three feet high, was charged with stealthily entering the grocery store of Benedict Howard, on Sixth street, and abstracting therefrom a piece of bacon. She was turned over to the custody of officer Moore, who took her home to her owner that she might be privately punished. The case of Robert Ashby, free, charged with stealing brass from Alois
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