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blatta , ae, f.: blatta θρόμβος αἵματος,
I.a clot of blood, Gloss.—Hence,
II. (Access. form blattea , Ven. Carm. 2, 3, 19.) Purple (similar in color to flowing blood; cf. Salmas. Vop. Aur. 46, and Plin. 9, 38, 62, § 135; “late Lat.): purpura, quae blatta, vel oxyblatta, vel hyacinthina dicitur, Cod. Th. 4, 40, 1: serica,ib. 10, 20, 18: “blattam Tyrus defert,Sid. Carm. 5, 48; Lampr. Elag. 33; Cassiod. Var. Ep. 1, 2.
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