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barbĭtŏs , m. (f. in the spurious epistle of Sappho, Ov. H. 15, 8;
I.v. infra; found only in nom., acc., and voc.; plur. barbita, n., Aus. Ep. 44). = βάρβιτον ῾-ος), a lyre, a lute (not before the Aug. per.): “age, dic Latinum, Barbite, carmen,Hor. C. 1, 32, 4; 1, 1, 34; 3, 26, 4; Claud. Praef. ap. Nupt. Hon. et Mar. 10; Aus. Epigr. 44.—
II. Meton., the song played upon the lute: “non facit ad lacrimas barbitos ulla meas,Ov. H. 15. 8 (a spurious poem).
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