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Fescennĭa , ae, f. (also Fescennĭ-um , ii, n., Serv. Verg. A. 7, 695), ancient but small city of Etruria, on the Tiber, not far from Falerii, famous for a sort of sportive and jeering dialogues in verse named after it, Plin. 3, 5, 8, § 52; Serv. l. l.; v. Dennis, Etrur. 1, p. 152 sq. (acc. to Gell. and Müll. the modern Civita Castellana; acc. to Dennis, near Borghetto).—
II. Deriv.: Fescennīnus , a, um, adj., of or belonging to Fescennia, Fescennine: “acies,Verg. A. 7, 695: “Fescennina per hunc inventa licentia morem Versibus alternis opprobria rustica fudit,Hor. Ep. 2, 1, 145: “versus,Liv. 7, 2, 7; Paul. ex Fest. p. 85 Müll.: “locutio,Cat. 61, 127: “materia,Sid. Ep. 8, 11: “pes,” i. e. an amphimacer, Diom. p. 475 P.—Subst.: Fescennīni , ōrum, m., Fescennine verses, Fescennines, Macr. S. 2, 4: “nuptiales,Sen. Contr. 3, 21 med. p. 252 Bip.; Plin. 15, 22, 24, § 86.—Also. Fescen-nīna , ōrum, n. (sc. carmina, Prud. Cont. Symm. 1, 261; Mart. Cap. 9, § 914 (the derivation of these Fescennini from fascinum seems improbable).—
B. Transf., Fe-scennīnus , i, m., a lampooner: spatiator atque Fescenninus, Cato ap. Fest. s. v. spatiatorem, p. 344 Müll.; Macr. S. 2, 10, 9.
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