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praeter-grĕdĭor , gressus, 3,
I.v. dep. n. and a. [gradior], to walk or march by, to go or pass by (class.).
I. Lit.: qui praetergrediebantur. Sall. ap. Non. 556, 19: “ut rapiat praetergredientes,Ambros. Abrah. 1, 5, 32.—With acc.: “castra,to pass the camp, Cic. Fam. 3, 7, 4: “fines,to march by, Tac. A. 14, 23: “primos suos,Sall. J. 50, 3: “eum,id. 52, 5.—
II. Trop., to surpass, excel: “in te maxume, qui tantum alios praetergressus es, uti, etc.,Sall. Or. ad Caes. 1.
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