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OLMO´NES (Ὄλμῶνες: Eth. Ὀλμωνεύς), a village in Boeotia, situated 12 stadia to the left of Copae, and 7 stadia from Hyettus. It derived its name from Olmus, the son of Sisyphus, but contained nothing worthy of notice in the time of Pausanias. Forchhammer places Olmones in the small island in the lake Copais, SW. of Copae, now called Trelo-Yani. [See the Map, Vol. I. p. 411, where the island lies SW. of No. 10.] (Paus. 9.24.3; Steph. B. sub voce Forchhammer, Hellenika, p. 178.)

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