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cānesco . ĕre,
I.v. inch. n. [caneo]. to grow white, whiten.
I. Lit., to become gray or hoary: “pabula canescunt (sc. calore),Ov. M. 2, 212; Plin. 31, 10, 46, § 106: “canescant aequora remis,Ov. H. 3, 65: “canescunt tecta,id. Am. 1, 8, 52; Col. 3, 2, 12: “capilli canescunt,Plin. 30, 15, 46, § 134; 7, 2, 2, § 23: in cujus (Minervae) aede ignes numquam canescunt in favillas, Sol. 22, 18.—
II. Transf., = senescere, to grow old, Ov. M. 9, 422: “eaque (quercus) canescet saeclis innumerabilibus,Cic. Leg. 1, 1, 2.—Trop., of discourse: “cum ipsa oratio jam nostra canesceret,was getting feeble, Cic. Brut. 2, 8; cf. Quint. 11, 1, 31; Petr. 2, 8.
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