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Sestĭus (Sextĭus ), i, m.,
I.the name of a Roman gens.
1. P. Sestius L. F., a tribune of the people 696 A.U.C., a friend of Cicero and Milo, by the former of whom he was defended in an oration still extant.—
2. C. Sextius Calvinus, an orator, Cic. Brut. 34, 130.—
3. P. Sextius Baculus, a primipili centurio, Caes. B. G. 2, 25; 3, 5; 6, 38 al.— Hence,
A. Sestĭus (Sext- ), a, um adj., of or belonging to a Sestius (Sextius), Sestian (Sextian): Tabula Sestia, the bankingtable or counter of a Sestius, otherwise unknown, Cic. Quint. 6, 25.—Aquae Sextiae, v. aqua, 2. e.—
B. Sestĭānus (Sext- ), a, um, adj., of Sestius, Sestian: “dicta,of the tribune of the people, P. Sestius, Cic. Fam. 7, 32, 1: “conviva,that dines with a Sestius Cat. 44, 10: “mala,named after a Sestius, Col. 5, 10, 19; 12, 47, 5.
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