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جَاذٍ ذ [part. n. of 1; fem. جَاذِيَةٌ: pl. masc. جِذَآءٌ; pl. fem. جَاذِيَاتٌ and جَوَاذٍ]. A rájiz says, (S,) namely, 'Amr Ibn-Jebel-El-Asadee, (TA,) “ لَمْ يُبْقِ مِنْهَا سَبَلُ الرَّذَاذِ
غَيْرَ أَثَافِى مِرْجَلٍ جَوَاذِى
” i. e. [The continual fine rain left not thereof save the three stones that were the supports of a cooking-pot] remaining firm. (S, TA.) ― -b2- I. q. جَاثٍ [Sitting upon his knees; &c.]: (Fr, TA:) or sitting upon his heels, with his feet upright, [resting] upon the extremities of his toes: (S:) or standing upon the extremities of the toes: (AA, S:) see also 1: pl. [masc.] جَذَآءٌ. (S) Aboo-Duwád describes mares as جَاذِيَاتٌ عَلَى السَّنَابِكِ, i. e. Standing upon the toes. (AA, S, * TA.) ― -b3- جَوَاذٍ, (K,) applied to she-camels, (TA,) means That bear themselves erect (↓ تَجْذُو ) in their course, or pace, as though they lifted their feet clear from the ground; (K, TA;) on the authority of Aboo-Leylà: (TA:) [the last words of the explanation in the K are كَأَنَّهَا تَقْلَعُ: in the TA, كانها تقلع السَّيْرَ: I suppose that السَّيْرَ is for فِى السَّيْرِ; and that the pret. of the aor. here used is قَلِعَ; for قَلِعٌ, which is of the regular form of a part. n. of such a verb as قَلِعَ, means “ raising the feet clear from the ground in walking &c.: ” but in one copy of the K, I find تُقَلّعُ: and another reading in some work seems to be تُقْلِعُ; for] ISd says, I know not جَذَا with the meaning of أَسْرَعَ nor of أَقْلَعَ: and As says that جَوَاذٍ means quick, or swift, camels, that do not stretch themselves forth in their course, or pace, but bear themselves erect (وَيَنْتَصِبْنَيَجْذُونَ ). (TA.)

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