From the tears of these men, you, O judges, may easily imagine that the
senators did not pass these resolutions without tears. Come now, how great is the zeal of his
neighbours in his behalf, how incredible their good-will towards him, how great their anxiety
for him. They have not, indeed, sent resolutions drawn up in papers of panegyric, but they
have chosen their most honourable men, whom we are all acquainted with, to come hither in
numbers, and to give their personal evidence in his favour. The Frentani are present, most
noble men. The Marrucini a tribe of equal dignity, are present too. You see Roman knights,
most honourable men, come to praise him from Teanum in Apulia, and from Luceria. Most honourable panegyrics have been sent from
Bovianum, and from the whole of Samnium, and
also the most honourable and noble men of these states have come too.
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