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I don't know whether I shall win him over, but I must try.

Well, then, tell your wife to ask her father that the children not be exiled.

Most certainly, and I think I shall persuade her.

[945] Yes, if she is a woman like the rest. But I too shall lend a hand in this. I shall send her gifts, gifts I know well are more beautiful by far than any now among mortals [a finely-woven gown and a diadem of beaten gold] [950] by the hand of my children. To her servants One of you servants, quick, bring the raiment out to me.

One of the servants goes into the house.
To Jason She will have not one happiness but countless, getting in you an excellent husband to share her bed and possessing raiment which my grandfather [955] Helios gave to his descendants.

The servant returns with the gifts.
Take this bridal dowry, children, into your hands. Take and give it to the happy royal bride. It will be no contemptible gift she receives.

Silly woman, why do you deprive yourself of these things? [960] Do you think the royal house has need of gowns or gold? Keep them, don't give them away. For if my wife holds me in any regard, she will value my wishes more highly than wealth, I am quite sure.

Not a word! They say gifts win over even the gods, [965] and gold is more to mortals than ten thousand words. Her star is on the rise [heaven is enhancing her lot, she is young and on the throne]. And to free my children from exile I would give my life, not merely gold.

Now, children, when you have entered the rich palace, [970] entreat your father's new wife, my mistress, and beg her that you not be exiled. And give her the raiment: this is the most important thing, that she receive the gifts into her hands. Go with all speed. And may you have success [975] and bring back to your mother the good news she longs to hear.Exit Jason and children, accompanied by the Tutor and the Nurse, by Eisodos B.

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  • Commentary references to this page (1):
    • E.C. Marchant, Commentary on Thucydides: Book 7, 7.75
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