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With respect to Phthia, some suppose it to be the same as Hellas and Achaia, and that these countries form the southern portion in the division of Thessaly into two parts. But others distinguish Phthia and Hellas. The poet seems to distinguish them in these verses;

“ they who occupied Phthia and Hellas,1

Il. ii. 683.
as if they were two countries. And, again,

“ Then far away through wide Greece I fled and came to Phthia,2

Il. ix. 498.

“ There are many Achæan women in Hellas and Phthia.3

Il. ix. 395.
The poet then makes these places to be two, but whether cities or countries he does not expressly say. Some of the later writers, who affirm that it is a country, suppose it to have extended from Palæpharsalus to Thebæ Phthiotides. In this country also is Thetidium, near both the ancient and the modern Pharsalus; and it is conjectured from Theti- dium that the country, in which it is situated, was a part of that under the command of Achilles. Others, who regard it as a city, allege that the Pharsalii show at the distance of 60 stadia from their own city, a city in ruins, which they believe to be Hellas, and two springs near it, Messeis and Hypereia. But the Melitæenses say, that at the distance of about 10 stadia from their city, was situated Hellas on the other side of the Enipeus,4 when their own city had the name of Pyrrha, and that the Hellenes migrated from Hellas, which was built in a low situation, to theirs. They adduce in proof of this the tomb of Hellen, son of Deucalion and Pyrrha, which is in their market-place. For according to historians, Deucalion was king of Phthiotis and of all Thessaly. The Enipeus flows from Othrys5 beside Pharsalus,6 and empties itself into the Apidanus,7 and the latter into the Peneius.

Thus much, then, respecting the Hellenes.

1 Il. ii. 683.

2 Il. ix. 498.

3 Il. ix. 395.

4 The Vlacho.

5 Part of the range of Mount Gura.

6 Satalda. The plain of Pharsalia is to the north.

7 The Gura.

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