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[13] My father, finding that these people had been accredited by Conon, and were of proved respectability and—at that time at least1—in the good graces of the city, was persuaded to bestow her: he did not know the slander that was to follow. It was a time when anyone among you would have deemed it desirable to be connected with them; for it was not done for the sake of money, as you may readily judge from my father's whole life and conduct.

1 So far there were no signs of their later disloyalty.

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  • Cross-references to this page (2):
    • Raphael Kühner, Bernhard Gerth, Ausführliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache, KG 3.2.4
    • Basil L. Gildersleeve, Syntax of Classical Greek, The Article
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