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like vb.1 (1 the commonest S. sense)
1. to please Gent. IV. ii. 56 “the music l-s you not,” Troil. V. ii. 99 “that that l-s not you” (Q) “Pleases me best”; esp. in conventional phr. Tp. IV. i. 242 “an't like your grace,” H8 I. i. 100 “Like it your Grace,” Cym. II. iii. 59 “So like you, sir.”
2. “like of,” to be pleased with, approve of, be fond of Ado V. iv. 59, R3 IV. iv. 355, Rom. I. iii. 96 “can you like of Paris' love?.”
3. to feel affection Err. III. ii. 7, John II. i. 511.
4. to be in good condition 2H4 III. ii. 93 “you well” (Ff “look”); cf. WELL-LIKING.
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  • Cross-references in text-specific dictionaries from this page (8):
    • William Shakespeare, Two Gentlemen of Verona, 4.2
    • William Shakespeare, King John, 2.1
    • William Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, 3.2
    • William Shakespeare, Cymbeline, 2.3
    • William Shakespeare, The First Part of Henry VI, 4.6
    • William Shakespeare, The Tempest, 4.1
    • William Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale, 4.3
    • William Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale, 4.4
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