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VICUS IULII (Aire sur l'Adour), Dept. Landes, France.

On the ancient road joining Aginnum and Burdigala at Beneharnum (Lescar). On the banks of the Bitou are the remains of a temple dedicated to Mars Lelhunnus; 29 votive altars were discovered here in 1884. On the site of the vicus itself mosaics have been known since 1651, in 1888 located in the garden of the bishop's palace. Other mosaics, of the late Empire (decorative geometric design of octagons) were found in 1928. After the invasion of A.D. 276, Diocletian authorized a rampart for Vicus Iulii. The episcopal seat is dated to 506.


C. Lacoste, “Mosaïques gallo-romaines des Landes,” Bull. de la Soc. de Borda (1961) 231; 1. Coupry, “Informations arch.,” Gallia 25.2 (1967) 365.


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