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ὀστέον , τό, Att. contr. ὀστοῦν , poet. ὀστεῦν AP7.480 (Leon.); Aeol. perh. ὄστιον Alc.Oxy.2081
A.d)Fr.5: pl. ὀστέα, Att. contr. ὀστᾶ, late Ep. ὀστά [α^] Opp.C.1.268, D.L.1.63, Epigr.Gr.517.7 (Edessa); Dor. “ὀστίαTheoc.2.61; but Trag. and Com. use gen. pl. ὀστέων, A.Fr.367 (codd. Poll.), S.Tr.769, Ar.Ach.1226, and it is so written in E.Tr.1177 where metre requires ὀστῶν: and the uncontr. forms generally occur in later Prose, as in Arist. (v. infr.); nom. “ὀστέονPLit.Lond.167.17(ii/iii A. D.); dat. pl. “ὀστέοιςDiog.Oen.39; Ep. gen. pl. ὀστεόφιν (v. infr.):—bone, freq. in Hom. (Il.4.460, al.) and Hp.VC1, al.); Hes. only in pl., Th.540, al.; λεύκ᾽ ὀστέα the bleached bones of the dead, Od.1.161, etc.; “σάρκας τε καὶ ὀστέα9.293; πολὺς δ᾽ ἀμφ᾽ ὀστεόφιν θίς a huge heap of bones around, 12.45; “ῥινὸν ἀπ᾽ ὀστεόφιν ἐρύσαι14.134; “γυμνοῦσι τὰ ὀστέα τῶν κρεῶνHdt.4.61; ὀστέων στέγαστρον, of the skin, A.Fr.367; “ἀρχὴ τῶν ὀστῶν καλουμένη ῥάχιςArist.PA54b11; esp. of the cranium, Hp.VC2, al., cf. Il. 12.185.
II. metaph., γῆς ὀστέοισιν ἐγχριμφθεὶς πόδα, i.e. rocks, Choeril.Trag.2 (ὀστοῖσιν Nauck).
III. stone of fruit, “ὀστῶν περσεΐνωνPCair.Zen.176.168 (iii B. C.), cf. Dsc.Eup.1.66, Gp.10.13.3, al., Sch.Nic.Al.99. [Accent ὀστέον Hdn.Gr.2.943, but “ὄστεονAnon. ap. Sch.Il.24.793.] (Cf. Skt. ´sthi, gen. asthn´s 'bone', etc.)
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