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καταμεθύσκω , aor. -εμέθυ^σα, causal,
A.make drunk, Hdt.1.106, 2.121.έ, Pl.Grg.471b, etc.; “εὐτυχία -ύσκουσα τοῖς ἀγαθοῖς τὰν διάνοιανArchyt. ap. Stob.3.1.114:—Pass., to be made quite drunk, “ὑπό τινοςD.S.4.84: abs., get drunk, Plb.5.39.2.
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  • Cross-references in general dictionaries from this page (5):
    • Herodotus, Histories, 1.106
    • Herodotus, Histories, 2.121
    • Plato, Gorgias, 471b
    • Polybius, Histories, 5.39.2
    • Diodorus, Historical Library, 4.84
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