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σι_το-βολών , ῶνος, , (βάλλω) for storing corn, granary, IG11 (2).287 A170 (Delos, iii B.C.), PSI4.358.9 (iii B.C.), LXX Ge.41.56, Ph.Bel.87.9, Gp.2.25.4; cf. βολεών:—also σι_το-βολεῖον , τό, IG22.1281 (iii B.C.); σι_το-βόλιον , τό, Men.193, Plb.3.100.4; σι_τό-βολον , τό, IPE12.32B48 (Olbia, iii B.C.).
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