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Pīsae , ārum, f.,
I.a very ancient eity of Etruria, a colony of Pisa in Elis, still called Pisa: “Alpheae ab origine Pisae, urbs Etrusca solo,Verg. A. 10, 179 Serv.; Just. 20, 1, 11; Luc. 2, 401; Liv. 21, 39.—Hence,
A. Pīsānus , a, um, adj., Pisan: “ager,Liv. 39, 2.—In plur.: Pīsāni , ōrum, m., the Pisans, Liv. 40, 43.—
B.Pīsas , ātis, adj., Pisatic, Pisan, Inscr. Orell. 4048.—
C. Pīsātĭlis , e, adj., born at Pisa (for Pisanus), found in Naev., acc. to Fest. p. 210 Müll. (prob. Latinized from the Greek form Πισάτης).
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