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The first wife of M. Cicero, the orator, to whom she bore two children, a son (Marcus) and a daughter (Tullia). She was a woman of sound sense and great resolution; and her firmness of character was of no small service to her weak and vacillating husband in some important periods of his life. During the Civil War, however, Cicero was offended with her extravagance (Ad Att. xi. 16, 24; Plut. Cic. 41), and divorced her in B.C. 46. (See Publilia.) Terentia is said to have attained the age of 103.


Also called Terentilla, the wife of Maecenas, and said to have been one of the mistresses of Augustus. See Suet. Aug. 69, with Peck's note; and the article Maecenas.

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  • Cross-references from this page (2):
    • Suetonius, Divus Augustus, 69
    • Plutarch, Cicero, 41
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