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TUDE (Τοῦδαι and Τοῦνδαι, Ptol 2.6.45), a fort or castle of the Gruii or Gravii, in Hispania Tarraconensis, E. of Limia, and on the road from Bracara to Asturica. (Itin. Ant. p. 429.) It is called Tyde by Pliny (4.20. s. 34), and according to an ancient tradition it was the seat of an Aetolian colony under Diomed; a tale probably occasioned by the similarity of its name to that of Tydeus. (Sil. Ital. 3.367, 16.369; Plin. l.c.; Avien. Descr. Orb. 650.) It is the modern Tuy.


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