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[239] dispose of them easily; and, so far from being ashamed of it, they take pride in their own handiwork. I went to see Mrs.--to-day, daughter of one of our gentlemen high in position, and whose husband was a wealthy landholder in Maryland. I found her sitting at her sewing-machine, making an elaborate shirt-bosom. She said she took in sewing, and spoke of it very cheerfully. “How can we rent rooms and live on captain's pay?” She began by sewing for brothers and cousins, then for neighbours, and now for anybody who will give it to her. She laughingly added, that she thought she would hang out her sign, “Plain sewing done here.” We certainly are a great people, women as well as men. This lady, and all other ladies, have always places at their frugal tables for hungry soldiers. Many ladies take in copying.

September 25th, 1863.

There has been a great battle in the West, at Chickamauga, in Tennessee, between Bragg and Rosecranz. We are gloriously victorious! The last telegram from General Bragg tells of 7,000 prisoners, thirty-five pieces of cannon, and 15,000 small-arms, taken by our men. The fight is not over, though they have been fighting three days. Longstreet and his corps of veterans are there to reinforce them. A battle is daily expected on the Rapidan; and, to use Lincoln's expression, they are still “pegging away” at Charleston.

September 26, 1863.

Spent this morning seeking information about our plan of living in the country. Nothing satisfactory.

September 28th, 1863.

Mrs. M. and myself went to St. John's Church yesterday, and heard an excellent sermon from Bishop Wilmer; service read by Dr. Norwood. Encouraging news continues from the West. I am still anxious about

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