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[480] infantry stationed at that place to protect it. It was then quite dark, the men and horses tired and jaded from the long and hard day's march. I being the junior Captain of the battalion and the youngest man, volunteered to go, provided that Major Leyden would give me a section of Captain Atkinson's battery of Columbus, Ga., with his best horses and youngest men, to manage the guns, and one section of my own battery. This was done, with Lieutenant Wollahan, of Columbus, Ga., and of Captain Atkinson's battery, to assist me in the command; and at 8 o'clock P. M., we started for Knoxville, Tenn., distant about thirty miles, over a mountainous and rough road, with various torch lights distributed along the command from front to rear, to guide us. Notwithstanding we moved rapidly, and at sun — up next morning we were in two miles of Knoxville, Tenn., where we encountered the Federal forces, variously estimated at from one to three thousand strong, drawn up in line of battle, near the road in front of us. Our force consisted of about forty men rank and file, and four twelve-pound guns. I saw in an instant to advance or retreat would result in certain capture, and it occurred to me as the only chance of escape (in which Lieutenant Wollohan readily agreed with me) to wheel and take position in an open field directly to the left of us, and located in front of a dense pine thicket and attack the Federal forces in their position, believing that this action would mislead the Federal forces as to my numbers and strength and purposes, and create the impression with them that my command was a force sent direct to attack them, and further, that they might believe that my command was heavily supported by infantry concealed in the pine thicket referred to. The “bluff game” played by us fortunately succeeded admirably, for when I gave the command to unlimber and prepare for action, and ordered up the commanders of sharp shooters, calling them by name and rank, (of which we had none in fact), in a loud tone and commanding voice; the Federal forces seemed perfectly confused and began to fall back from the road we were travelling — to one approaching Knoxville, and running about parallel with ours. Seeing this, I immediately gave the command to limber up and dash into the city of Knoxville, which was done successfully, receiving the fire of the Confederate pickets as we dashed in, they having mistaken us for the enemy. When the Federal forces. saw our limited force pass (seemingly with so much chagrin) they pressed their forces as close on the city limits and lines of General Buckner as they could — both artillery and cavalry — and opened fire. Early in these movements my battery I divided into two sections, taking positions on the two prominent hills in front of the city of

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