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finna finn, fann, fundum, fundinn v

1. to find (þá fundu þeir Hjörleif dauðan) ;
2. to meet one (ok vildi eigi f Hákon konung);
3. to visit, to interview (gakk þú at f konung);
4. to find out, invent (rúnar munt þú finna);
5. to discover (ok fundu þar land mikit);
6. fig to find, perceive, notice, feel (fundu þeir þá brátt, at);
7. f e-m e-t, to find fault with, blame (þat eitt finn ek Gunnlaugi, at
8. with preps, f á e-t, to come across, fall in with ( =hitta á e-t) ; impers, fann þat á, it could be perceived; fann lítt á honum, hvárt, it was little to be seen whether, etc ; f at e-u, to find fault with, censure, blame; f e-t til, to bring forward, give as a reason (hvat finnr þú til þess?) ;
9. refl, finnast til e-s, to be pleased with; impers, fannst Grími fátt til hans, Grim was little pleased with him; láta sér lítit um finnast, to pay little heed to, rather dislike; �lvi fannst rnikit um hann, �lvir admired him much

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