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hverfa hverf , hvarf, hurfum, horfinn v

1. to have a circular or rotatory motion, turn round (himinn hverfr) ; with acc of the place, himin h þau skulu hverjan dag, they shall wheel round the heaven every day, of the sun and moon ;
2. to be lost to sight (h at sýn) ; to disappear, vanish (hverfa af himni heiðar stjörnur) ; e-m hverfr e-t, one loses a thing (Mávi hurfu sauðir nökkurir); siðan hvarf hann þeim, he vanished out of their sight;
3. with preps and advs, h af at gera e-t, to leave off doing a thihg; h aptr, to turn back, return; aptr hverfr lygi, þá er sönnu m�tir, a lie recoils before the truth; h at e-m, to throng around one (þá hurfu þegar at honum allir ok fögnuðu honum); h at e-u, to turn to, to adopt (h at e-u ráði) ; h brott, to disappear; h eptir e-m, to follow one; h frá e-u, to turn away from; gørðu-t far festa, áðr þeir frá hyrfi, they did not moor the boat before they turned away; to leave off (nú skal þar til taka, sem fyrr var frá horfit); h í sundr, to part; h til e-s, to turn (go) to one, or to a place (hlæjandi Guðrún hvarf til skemmu); esp to go to one and take leave (Gunnar hverfr til allra manna, er hann er búinn); to fall to one's lot, accrue to one (þótti stór heill til hans horfit hafa); hum e-t, to encircle, surround (h um hodd goða); h undan e-m, to be withdrawn from, lost to one (hvarf ríki í Noregi undan Dana konungum);
4. horfinn, pp
5. surrounded (b�rinn var h mönnum) ; vera vel vinum h, to be well backed by friends; vel um horfit, in good condition (þar stóð naust ok var vel um horfit) ;
6. abandoned, forsaken ; heillum h, forsaken by luck; sök h, having lost the suit; heraði h, bereft of a dwelling in the district

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