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vanda v

1. to work elaborately, bestow great pains on, prepare carefully (hón gerði honum ok klæði ;oll, er mest skyldi v); vandaðr, elaborate, highly finished (vandaðr skipabúnaðr) ; vandaðar krásir, choice dainties;
2. to pick out the best, choose carefully (muntu þurfa at v til ferðar þessar bædi menn ok skip) ;
3. to find fault with, be particular about, care, mind, with a negative (v lítt um siðu manna) ; vanda ek eigi, þótt sá sé drepinn, I mind not though he be killed; v um e-t við e-n, to find fault with one for a thing, complain of;
4. refl, vandast, to become difficult, precarious (þykki mér nú v málit) ; impers, vandast um e-t, it becontes difficult

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