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[p. 88]

Strangers in Medford, (continued from Vol. 9, no. 3).

Names.From. Date.Warned out.Remarks.
White, SamuelBoston, June or July, 1766Nov. 8, 1766
Whiting, JamesPepperell, Aug. 10, 1758Nov. 27, 1758Tenant of Col. Royall. ‘In Fish House, lately occupied by Mr. Teal,’
        Mary (wife)
        James (child)
Whitmarsh, SamuelBoston, Aug., 17^9Oct. 8, 1770
Wier, DanielAug. 31, 1797
Willett, JosephWalpoleFeb. 8, 1758
Willey, NathanJan. 30, 1791
Williams, GershomFrom Parson Cook's Parish. Cambridge,1 Apr. 16, 1772Victualler. Tenant of Col. Royall in house which Hugh Floyd last occupied.
      wife and family
Williams, JohnApr. 16, 1784
      wife and family
Williams, MaryCoventry, Ct., Apr. 15, 1756Servant of Wm. Whitmore.
Williams, SarahMalden, May 21, 1756Nov. 27, 1756Half Indian. Servant of Joshua Simonds.
        and child, 9 mo. old
Williams, WilliamChelsea, May 13, 1761Feb. 16, 1762In house of Jos. Tufts.
        Martha (wife)

[p. 89]

Willis, Capt. DavidAug. 31, 1797
Williston, JosephIn employ of Richard Hall, 1767.
Wilson, MilesAug. 31, 1797
Winship, HepzibahLexingtonOct. 8, 1770
Winship, MosesJan. 30, 1791
        MosesAug. 31, 1797
Winslow, LydiaBoston, Sept. 20, 1764Aug. 26, 1765Young woman, In family of Willis Hall.
Womscott, SolomonFeb. 2, 1753
        wife and family
Woodbridge, WilliamJan. 30, 1791
Wright, JohnAug. 31, 1797
Wyman, JosephJan. 30, 1791
        Capt. JosephAug. 31, 1797
        NehemiahJan. 30, 1791Butcher.
Yarnee,2 HannahCambridge, Aug. 15, 1766Negro servant of Joseph Tufts.
        JennieMiddletown, Essex Co.Mar. 22, 1783Negro.
Young, SarahBoston, March 8, 1764In family of Jos. Savels.

1 Arlington.

2 Yearner, Yarney.

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Joshua Simonds (1)
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Cook (1)
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