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The Chicago Rescuers.--arrest of the Rescuers.

--The Chicago Times of Tuesday thus notices the proceedings in the United States District Court on the receipt from the Grand Jury of the indictments against the parties engaged in the recent slave rescue in that city:

Judge Drummond addressed the members of the inquest, stating, in substance, that among the eleven bills now brought into court, he had learned that some were against parties implicated in the late rescue of an alleged slave girl from the officers of the law having her in custody as a fugitive slave from the Territory of Nebraska. When the Grand Jury had been organized a week ago this depredation had not been committed, and consequently they were ignorant that such a case would come before them. However unpleasant it was to Northern prejudices, it was the duty of all good citizens to sustain the laws and the Constitution of the United States, more particularly since certain Southern traitors appear to show an example of trampling upon the laws that govern this Republic. The laws of the land must be sustained, and the Grand Jury here present by their cases, have sworn to do so. He was glad to find that they had the courage to do their duty on the present occasion, however unpleasant it was to them.

’ The Times gives the following additional particulars with regard to the arrest:

‘ The names of these Chicago nullifiers are as follows: Calvin DeWolf, Republican Justice of the Peace; George Anderson, Republican Deputy Sheriff; Isaiah H. Williams, Republican Lieutenant of Police; Holland H. Harris, Republican City Policeman; Edward Langley, Republican City Policeman; Chancellor L. Janks, Republican practitioner of law; Daniel Webster, a negro; Benjamin Mercer, a negro; Henry Lisbes, (probably Isbell,) a negro.

It is stated that the jury narrowly escaped bringing in an indictment also against Alderman Joy.

The nine nullifiers whose names are given above were the leading and most active participants in rescuing the negro. They are all prominent Republicans, having the confidence of their party, and all but one of the whiten have received the endorsement of their party in being the recipients of profitable offices.--The one who is an exception has also been an applicant to his party for office, and only failed to receive it on account of personal unpopularity, and not because of any unsoundness on party doctrines. The cases will be brought on for trial in the course of two or three weeks.

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